
all i had to say was goodbye,

Friday, May 30, 2008

Post No.7

ok.. i brogged again..~~ woke up at 8... n then super tired.. so i went to beng's pikaland again.. until 10.30am
then rush rush for the AEM course.. so i was like telling mavis to meet me at yio chu kang in 11.40am.. the funny thing was.. i met steffi n parrot in AMK station.. n we took the same MRT.. they cont their trip to jurong while i got down at yio chu kang to wait for mavis... then me n mavis took the next train tgt until jurong.. then steffi called n ask whr m i sia.. LOL~~
ok.. so our AEM was AGAIN 101% like DnT.. teaching on diodes n soldering this time.. then go home~ which means.. 3hrs 40mins is wasted again~
n then i pulled LG to my house again.. n we played maple... aft he go home.. im like damn sian.. so i hunt maple leafs again~~ good news~! :D

i hunted 1000 maple leafs n i changed for a mage sheild! :D

ok la.. tts all~~ will brogg again when i have events + got the "thumb"

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:08 PM

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Post No.6

today was a boring/fun day...
noe how these 2 description comes in tgt? read more below =\

so.. i woke up at 8am.. (ji rare yi xia~~)
watch shuang tian zi zun 3 for like.. 4 episode.. then went out to meet my mum..
aft meeting.. it was like.. 1pm++ oni.. then superly sian~~
n SO, i called korin.. n begged her to come out.. for almost 45mins.. n FINALLY, she wanted to go out...
then ji lucky yi xia... zinc suddenly came to my mind.. n i called her... n she agreed to play bowling wif us~~
so.. today's clique was..
1)Meowiiin Tan (me!)
2)Lim Yi Xiu (Korin)
3)Lim Yi Xiu (Fiona)

we went to safra n play...
we play bowling... n grats.. im the 1st from behind.. n zinc was like.. ji pro yi xia... you kuai, you zun, you mei WOR!! n she was the 1st in bowling...
then we played arcade.. i played my usual fav.. parapara paradise~~ korin oso got play.. but sadly.. her 1st round phailed :(
then she play initial D, n as usual, she phailed again.. haiiii... buck up korinniiee~~
next.. we went to play photo hunt.. n korin was like blur blur de wor!!! i hunted so many difference then she hunt... n then.. we played a game tt r required to match same picts tgt de.. so we r like.. getting 1st for it.. (thx to me xD)
LASTLY, we play billard...
Round 1) i won
Round 2) i lost (cuz i ji suey yi xia.. damn tyco whack ball 8 go inside the hole w/o hitting others 1st....)

THEN, we went bak to AMK n eat... i spent $0.00 (including GST n service tax) n ate 20 french fries n 1/4 of chicken chop~~ then me, zinc, fiona was like.. chatting... n suddenly this topic abt fiona being too smart.. until brain blocked wif knowledge (tou nao zu sai) then no EQ xD!!

finally.. i went home~~

what a BORING/FUN day...

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:33 PM

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Post No.5

ok.. so.. today my day start was a disaster...
i woke up at 12.30pm.. n 1pm was my AEM lesson at Dover (somewhr jurong east then take another MRT)
so as we all noe.. it is impossible to reach there at 1pm..
at 1.30pm i reached there.. n mavis was damn shocked tt i can reach there in 1 hr... (as their grp took abt 2hr to reach there)
so we r like having DnT lesson for 4hours, instead of physics lesson...
we learn abt resistor, how to noe their resistance.. capacitors... etc.. n all these r like learnt in DnT this yr de lor.. then me n mavis was like.. the oni 2 DnT students there.. n we r like damn sian to repeat everything abt DnT AGAIN, aft dieing in it at SA1..
then at abt 4pm we watch a movie on An Inconvinient Truth.. was quite nice la the show.. but somehow i fall asleep on loong guat's bag (sry lg, if i salivate on it :P!!)

then aft the 4hrs of DnT, i pull lg to my house n play maple.. n then he go home, i go home (i was at home oredy in the 1st place)

ok so.. tt's basically my day~~~~

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 10:42 PM

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Post No.4

back from taiwan ytd at 8pm..
overall.. it was VERY DE FUN :D!!! mnd rocks the stage!!
dint really rmb all the details.. but anyway i still like this trip..
be4 tt i was like.. dun feel like going 1... then in the end still go.. I DINT REGRET IT WORR! :D

ok la.. so i was like bak in SG at 26 may..
then ricky n miss wong lonpang me home~~ they rich sia.. take the limousine cab.. reach my house tt time was like.. $23.++ liao

Early in the morning unpacked my stuffs.. then was like telling korin to meet me at 9am in sch.. to settle our stuffs there..
at 8.40, i had a stomachache n late to meet korin :P BUT! somehow.. i reach sch earlier than her sia~~
ok so... i took my report bk there.. n korin pass her reflection thingy there also...
Results for report book:
Eng : 53.8 C6
Chi : 59.8 C5 (nb...><)
AMaths : 96.2 A1 (nb.. lost to top lvl by 1.1% nia..) --- Top class (i think?)
EMaths : 95.6 A1 ---Top class (i think?)
Sci (Phy,Chem) : 90.9 A1 (top lvl~! :D)
Comb Humanities (SS,Geog) : 76.6 A1 (ji lucky yi xia.. almost no A1) --Top class
DnT : 55.5 C5 (Totally unexpected.. tot sure fail...)
UNOFFICIAL DE : Accounts : 97% A1 (top lvl.. but not in report bk anyways.. no one noes =x)

Overall % : 75.5 (no count poa in)

Class Ranking : 1/39
Level Ranking : 6/198

Remarks by cher : Melvin is a RESPONSIBLE and METICULOUS student. He is also HIGHLY MOTIVATED and has an UNFLAGGING DETERMINATION to excel in his academic persuits.

heh.. korin was like saying tt mr loh kua me until tian shang you, di xia wu.. bleahxx

aft tt we r like.. spamming arcade... then discuss maths trail.. then spam arcade again.. then we went KBox wif mavis..
ATTENTION : Korin hogged the whole karaoke by spamming 19 songs there~~~ but we still skip many songs la.. xD

aft tt went home..

NOW, BS(bullshiting) wif ST~~~~


cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:00 PM

Monday, May 19, 2008

Post No.3

woke up at 12pm.. AGAIN..
play maple hunting maple leafs as usual.. n help 1 of my ch dit fren to lvl up.. grats =\
then when i was superly busy.. nelson BLE called me.. to meet him n buy dance shoe..
then rush rush rush n go bugis..
oh btw nelson.. hows the result? :P did ur parents caught?

then as usual.. AGAIN.. i went to play arcade :D
play the step step de... plus plus.. the DRUM :D!!

then go home...~~~~~

now preparing to pack luggage..
tomorrow go taiwan le wor... ji excited yi xia... all dun miss me hor! :D
ahh.. can imagine suaning ST whole 1 week there.. n get her to treat me 5 meals

oh toking abt ST,
Here's to repay you in your brog..

Complaints about Yam Shwu Tyng

u ah... stupid dumb dumb.. complaint abt me in ur blog.. say what i clever... ty lohs.. BUT! is not i clever.. is u dumb dumb.. so dumb for what.. take u away to hell 1st la.. xD

next.. u said abt me suaning u for the past 2 yrs.. wo xi huan! i like it~~~ i suan u cuz ur realli dumb xD u complaint abt me.. now my turn to complaint abt u.. bleahhxxx

n then n then... u said abt me everyday eat mac very fat... u jealous ah.. i fat wo xi huan.. not like someone go thin.. boneyboney~~ so ke lian yi xia.. still owe me 5 macs sia.. :D

lastly! iie wannch tuu twiitt whadd kan euux duu :D wo gao xing! bleahhhh.. pfft..

oh btw.. ur not cute at alll.. please!

and since u sign off at me.. now's my turn..

Yours sincerely
Melvin Tan

ok.. now im sure my eng will improved.. thx to this FORMAL LETTER WRITING :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:59 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Post No.2.5

due to boredness.. i decided to blog on a joke..

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 11:11 PM

Post No.2

lol.. as promised.. i blogged :D
today i woke up at 12pm.. early huh?

then play play play maple.. hunting maple leafs.... sick sia.. nid to hunt 1500 maple leafs to upgrade my maple kendayo...

but anyways.. i upgraded it..

Prove! :

ok.. so.. aft i got this ji pro yi xia de claw.. i grab cl n go arcade play.... =x
then i went to buy my fav maggi mee... assessment books (hweesics + poa)
then walk walk look see look see tok cock sing song.. and go home :D

oh btw... these r the results i tabulated for SA1:

English - 58/110
Paper 1 - 33/60
Paper 2 - 25/50
Overall % : 52.7% (C6 =x)

Mother Tongue - 124/200
Paper 1 - 36/70
Paper 2 - 43/70
Paper 3 - 14/20
Oral - 31/40
Overall % : 62% (B4 =x)

EMaths - 96/100
Paper 1 - 50/50
Paper 2 - 46/50
Overall % : 96% (A1 :D)

AMaths - 78/80
Overall % : 97.5% (A1 :D)

Combined Science - 180.8/200
Physics - 87.9%
Chemistry - 92.9%
Overall % : 90.4% (A1 :D)

Humanities - 38/50
Social Studies - 22/25
Geography - 16/25
Overall % : 76% (A1 :D)

D&T - 42/100
Overall % : 42% (D7 TT)

Principle of Accounts - 97/100
Paper 1 - 37.5/40
Paper 2 - 59.5/60
Overall % : 97% (A1 :P)

Overall Score : 612.9/800
Overall % : 76.6125% (A1 :D)

argh.. i hate my language scores... =x
ok byeee!

2 days more to taiwan trip...

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:14 PM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Post No.1

yo all!.. thx to yam-cake.. i made this blog... will start blogging from tomorrow onwards :P
link me!! =x

Anyway, let this day (17 May 2008) be the birthday of this blog ba! :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 5:12 PM

Yours truly.

Helloh! :D
my name is Melvin
currently 15years old.
in Deyi Secondary School
This blog is made on 17/05/2008.
You can add me at meowvin93@hotmail.com

msn | friendster | blogskins

Myspace Clocks at WishAFriend.com

Score many A's in exam
A New Laptop
More clothes
GameBoy DS
To get the hell outta D&T

Talk Cock Sing Song Drink Coffee!

Create your own Friend Test here
Empty Box

Update later :)


Shwu Tyng
Chao Ngin
Ke Jun
Sheng Lon
Tze Yeng
Xue Li
Yan Ling
Loong Guat
Shao Beng


May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 May 2010 November 2010 December 2010 January 2011 September 2011 November 2011
do not remove! :D

Designer: disenchanted,
Basecodes: I LOVE YOU
Background: ♥PURPLE.licious-


JJ陆 - 林俊杰 Lin Jun Jie