Post No.1119JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D
today is the day whr i lvl up! :D
ok.. so i went celebrating wif korin (HPY1) n shi ping (HPY2)..
As Usual, KORIN LIM YI XIU is late again... supposed to meet at 10.45 but she came at 11
then we go eat, then arcade, then set off to Pasir Ris (downtown east - Escape theme park)
the 1st game we played was... VIKING SHIP :D
while playing... shipping was
SCREAMING LIKE MAD!! (BU YAOOOOO!!! BU YAOOOOO!!! NI MAMA TIAO!!!) LOL!!!!then we kena curse by her aft tt ride.. hehee
(have to say sort of sad.. tt my fav boat game isnt available... is on maintainence.. nuuuuuuuuuuuu!!)
aft tt.. we went to play daytona go kart (dun misunderstand~ is not the arcade de)
is riding in real conditions.. in a bumper car...
1st round korin was like overtaking me at the curve.. then i overtake bak n BLOCK HER when we r driving in a str8 line :D
BLEAHHHHHHs korin lim :P
aft tt we played some not-so-shiok de games.. then suddenly korin says wan play Inverter (nehhh.. the one where they swing u very high n makes u inverted there de)
then i was like.. wth.. nvr try be4.. wont drop mehh..
ite i still tried it.. n it was actually NOT AS SCARY AS VIKING (TRUST ME!).. in fact.. more shiok sia... so i learnt a new game :D
aft tt... we played viking ship again.. n this time i pei shi ping sit near the middle (whr the turning point is minimized..) then she nvr tok for the whole ride sia..
so since the 1st time sp dint wan to join us in inverter.. we tell her hw we feel then she
kena forced wan to play wif us.. in the 2nd time.. while playing.. she, AGAIN, scream "BU YAOOOOOO BU YAOO!!! NI MAMA TIAOO!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" :D
ok la.. then aft tt, we go there de arcade.. n then went bak home...
nw i still got the "rocking" feeling from the inverter n the viking ship sia.. =x
OH YA!! this is my 1st yr celebrating bdae w/o cakes sia.. feel so bu xi guan.. cuz cnt wish~~ then i was like wishing in front of my comp, (dun try to dig out any info of what i wished! :P)
arhhhh 2.5 more hours to end of my bdae TT!!!
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:17 PM
Post No.10hmm.. last day of sch be4 3 days of slacking :D
so my day started by getting bak my chem test result....
28/30.. zzz
then aft going through the test paper, i found tt im actually quite dumb in chem! =x
aft chem, PE.. wilson lee nvr come sch.. n we all got into a Physical Training "relay"
there r 3 station
1) Train Legs muscle + Stamina
2) Train Stomach (6 pack?)
3) Train Hand (my weakness.. pushup..)
was quite interesting la.. but sort of tired n sweat alot..
then our sch day ended wif Emaths retest... -.-
my prev emaths test got 21/25.. this test actually dint save me... as i expect my score to be somewhr 2X/25 again.. or even 18/25.. arghh
aft sch.. me, korin, Shipping the screamer + david loong guat went to lib "study"
then studying halfway then feel sianed.. so we took korin shoes n ran out of lib.. :P
then prank prank.. then we went to playground n play.. LOL (childhood memories :D)
so today i learnt something..
SHI PING IS AFRAID OF HEIGHTS... HAHAHAthen korin took her shoes.. n climb to the highest part of a "spiderweb" n place her shoe there..
then SP oso got ying xiong jiu Muo Gu worrrr... a xiao didi help her take her shoes...
then we also played our childhood fav.. SWING :D!!
aft tt.. we met benjamin.. n saw him wif the 3o9-ers spirit (of bringing PURE BIO book)
chat-ted n walk home wif david...
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:26 PM
Post No.9so i juz brogged abt ytd n today lor~~
Yesterday :
quite ok.. a normal day.. n i got scolded by sengat as usual (oops.. mr loh surely saw this part..) for asking her to delay the script writing..
then aft sch i immediately rush to find shiping n go amkhub... then i change there to my home clothes.. (luckily i rmb to brought it ahh..)
then went amk hub de arcade 1st.. played pump.. NOT BAD WORRR i learnt 1 new song..
then change to jubliee, then to amk hub.. n keep "alt tab"
then i rmb got 1 song call 大切なもの (dai setsu na mono) then shiping go pronounce "DA QIE **(blah blah)"
then go home..
Today :
today was the funny one...
though i kena scolded by sengat AGAIN, but this time is for the reason i dun wan a grp work in debates.. (cuz i think eventally im the one who either do 0% or 100% of it de) =\
then recess time.. (HAHAHAHA)
me, damien, n shiping ([HPY] clan) go snatch korin's wallet.. then me n damien go in guys toilet n put her wallet on the floor of it sia..! then she bo bian.. she come in the guys toilet n pick up the wallet.. while picking up.. we said "PING SHEN BA!!" then she was like =.= (she is damn lucky tt no ppl is inside.. except me n damien.. shi ping was like outside watching n laughing.. HAHAHAH)
so aft sch.. i ponten mnd, korin ponten choir (she got excuse say got menS cramp (oops!)) n we (me, shi ping, korin n David Chua Loong Guat) went to study.. then korin study lor..(law).. i do maths hwks n some notes on chem..
while in the lib.. we played korin again.. this time is not wallet! is SHOE!!
then we place it in the guys toilet of lib.. she damn lucky got Ying Xiong Jiu Mei (oops... Jiu ZHU)
a guy from jc de help her tk her shoes.. then we run away... while running.. korin tk her shoes throw shi ping in lib.. damn funny la... :D
so aft tt.. me n LG walked home..
PS : David = Da Wei (big lungs -- means easily hungry) for Loong Guat :D
PPS : [HPY] = Hao Peng You.. oni got 4 members, Shi Ping HPY 1, Korin HPY2, Me HPY3, Damien HPY4..
PPPS: I will post again when i feel like it :P
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:27 PM