
all i had to say was goodbye,

Monday, October 27, 2008

Post No.43

ahhh... very long never blog a good one le.

so basically today i was preparing for my 2x exp in maple. and i leveled up by 1 only

HAH! Here's my achievement :


then while training halfway i have a sudden urge to go out, and so i did =P

i didn't really do anything outside, so... no post about it. ps

then i came home, continue to maple with my buddy, kokoly, bullying me T_T!

Don't burn me leh!! I know you just made it to arch mage =\




cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:50 PM

Friday, October 24, 2008

Post No.42

Nothing much happen today leh. I did my usual staffs. =\

PS ah, nothing to blog about. BYE! :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 10:09 PM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Post No.41

So today our school organise another GREAT event. To visit the APN Indian Heritage Tour. I would suggest they change the theme ba. Change to Indian Cultural Learning Tour. Since we didn't visit indian places anyways. So...

We went to a Indian School and they teaches various subjects like English Chinese Maths etc. =\
They taught Indian Dance Steps and showed us various instruments.
OH ya!! The highlight of today is MR LOH DOING INDIAN DANCE FOR US! :D Poor Mr Loh, kena sabo-ed by 306 (includes me) for 3 times :P

Ok ba, i guess that should be all for today. =) Bye!

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:44 PM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Post No.40

heyhey! Today i went to the Southern (B)Ridge (Don't know is Bridge or Ridge la!!).

It was quite a waste of my time ba, that i would say. We just keep walk walk walk on the bridge for 1-2 hours. Then take bus go back -.-.

So after we took the bus BACK to Deyi, i went to find Mr Loh to find Mr Danny Chew to tell him that we (me and Mavis) wants to drop D&T. He wanted a letter from us (With parents signature, duh) telling him about :
1) Why want to drop
2) How to cope with the other subjects if drop
3) What poly course to take in the future, if drop de hua
4) What are our plans upon dropping D&T in Sec4.

So, can anyone help/guide me with this? =\ Otherwise imma going to write a full-of-grammar-error of english to P.

OH YA!!! TALKING ABOUT P!! I remember today Mr Loh talks to Mr Chew, and then he just "sub" Principal to "P" sia!! Talk until so smooth some more. Mr Chew and Ricky (ok, 2 no link-ed) also used "P" de. ji funny yi xia.

Ok, end of my shortie post. Don't MISS ME. BYE!



cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 5:33 PM

Monday, October 20, 2008

Post No.39

=D~ (Only SP and maybe Korin knows what this meant).
I got a sudden urge to blog today as MANY things happened (GOOD THINGS, mostly about school de la).

So today we got back a lot of Papers.
(A lot right? :P)

Our 1st 2 hours was sort of wasted ba, not really doing things.
So the 5th and 6th period was the Scary one.
Mr Loh says "After much heated discussions and fiery debates, we have finally come to a conclusion. Everyone........(Pause 2 secs) got promoted."
WALAOEH!!! THAT'S SO RIGHT OF MY PREVIOUS BLOG MAN!!! If you read my previous blog you will know why this came so EXPECTED to me.

Then after that Mr Loh announce our class ranking and level ranking.
=D I got 1st in CR and 6 in LR (again)~. (Only SP and maybe Korin knows what it meant.)
2 thoughts came to my mind :
2) WALAOEH!!! I work so hard and yet got back the same rank. I thought =D~ ranking dropped le, then another 309 come snatch my 5th place -.-!!!
But seriously la, i like my rank :D. [HL]I don't know what our class is doing la, but apparently the 2nd was 30 level ranking away from me. And our rank 28+ is ALREADY 17X in level rank le. Damn pro. *Show a thumb up* [/HL]

She also another pro one (Yes, i'm "kua-ing" you. BYKQ). Then I helped her put all the papers under her chair (lor). WAKAOEH!! Mr Loh asked "Eh, recently Korin never come school. You know why a not?" -.-
My reply (trying to drop a hint, but not telling him the fact) "Aiya, Korin bu shi DIE jiu shi OVERSLEEP lor!"

After recess, i went to my favourite lesson. I guess everyone know my favourite subject is D&T ba! (Ya right, i LOVE it until i'm going to drop it soon.) Was about to approach Imran but was held back due to my humji-ness. And i feel that it is not the right time la. If want also after school right? We played Inkball in D&T. I don't know wtf they doing. Just letting us play 90mins of computer (without internet connection).

Then after that i went back to class (VE lessons). I got back my WHOLE YEAR results. (BLAHH!! I'M GOING TO POST ALL MY OVERALL RESULTS LIAO!! SKIP THIS PART IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO READ :P)

English 57/100 C5 (HENG AH!!!!)
EMaths 93/100 A1 (Mr Loh said "I think you topped the level for this". =D~)
AMaths 89/100 A1 (Mr Loh was VERY disappointed with us, M&M, for not topping the level in this. ): )
Chinese 61/100 B4 (Better than what i thought :D)
Comb Sci 91/100 A1 (I think i topped in this.)
D&T 53/100 C6 (Go to hell, dropping soon anyways.) :)

Overall % : 74.14%
D&T can NEVER NEVER fail to jinx me, regardless of Marks and Moods.

So this was the BEST, BEST HOR, "goodest" piece of news i heard.

Mr Loh CONFIRMED with me and Mavis that WE CAN CONFIRM TAKE POA IN SEC4 LE!! :D!!! Till now i'm still SUPERLY happy with this =D.

My only obstacle now is to find teachers to DROP MY FUCKING D&T.

3 Similarities between D&T to M&D :
1) Both contains a "D".
2) Both are equally MAFAN in terms of time and attendance.
3) Both never fails to spoil my mood before i even stepped into the room.
4) (Bonus) Both falls on Mondays and Thursday.

Oh ya! Talking about M&D, i have just been bombed EXTRA 14 DAYS OF LESSONS OF M&D DURING MY DECEMBER HOLIDAYS. Great, no more time to slack/do the things i like in December le. So my conclusion is : I will confirm ponten. But i wouldn't know how many lessons i will ponten. To M&D people that read this paragraph, I don't care if you are a M&D dog or just a M&D person (That also always pon). Report me for ponten for all you want. I have already survive 2 years of December-ponten cases. At most i go for more detention nia. Worst come to worst, I DON'T WANT THAT FUCKING -2 POINTS OFF MY O LEVELS RESULTS LA!!!!! That's my only reason why i stay in M&D anyways. :)

With this, i guess I'm done with blogging :D.
I will blog again if there are new stuffs.

Paper 1 : THANKS MAN, MR CHANG. HAD I KNOWN YOU MARK I WOULD NOT "Discuss" WITH YOU ABOUT THE TOPIC LIAO! Kao, i'm courting my own death by writing a discussion essay to a debates teachers. No wonder i got so many "flawed arguments" -.-
Paper 2 : THANK YOU ASB! THIS IS NOT SARCASTIC DE!! :D I thought ASB is a scary teacher that is OUT TO CANCEL OUR MARKS. But seems like i'm wrong! Thanks man! :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:08 PM

Friday, October 17, 2008

Post No.38

today is PROMOTION DAY! HAH!!! Promotion Day? Or a chance to slack by the teachers?
For the past 6 weeks (If not, more), we have been having AT LEAST (AT LEAST HOR, CAN BE MORE) 1 holiday per week, pro hor? Say until so nice sia, promotion day. If fail they sit down and discuss about whether to promote you or not. You can just listen hor, must listen. But don't believe it man! If they really do all that, then how come this year Sec4 no one retain at Sec3, and say hi to our classes? i bet they must be thinking "Aiya, this person ah, ok la, bad is bad, but lets promote her ba, later her parents complaint to principal wo bu shi no rice eat?"

-End of rant-

I going out later. If got interesting things then i blog ba.

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:09 AM

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Post No.37

today was normal la.. nothing much.
So i checked my overall SA2 results. And this is the 1st time i got 60.00/100 for my English, HENG AHH!!! :P


So after checking all my "7" subjects, Mr Loh said in a tone "You got 4 A's, 4!" My reply was, "Walaoeh, is 5 ok, i still got my POA leh!!" And he diam-ed. :P


After recess, Mr Loh taught us 1 new chapter, which i sort of like it :P
Chapter 13 : Further Trigonometric Identities
Very fun! :D

And we went to assembly, then go library to chiong my AMaths. (See i told you guys i will study for maths le :P) Just a side note : I chiong-ed 24/7 of Maths in my Primary School, AND I DON'T STUDY FOR ALL THE OTHER SCIENCE, ENGLISH, MT and all that craps. So you can say i'm going back to old times, primary school. :D Thus, chionging maths again isn't hard for me. SI SP, STOP SUANING ME HOR!!! KEEP SAYING "Aiya, maths bu yong do de, TIAN SHENG HUI". The last 3 words of the quote was not said by me. What i said was "Aiya, the formula will struck your mind as you do the exam paper de la!! So also no need study, WHAT CAN YOU STUDY SIA!!" :P

In the end, i went home.~~

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 6:06 PM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Post No.36

Overall i must say I AM SUEY in my papers, especially D&T, AMaths and even MT.

So here's the result, and what i thought at that point of time :

P1 33/60
P2 31/50
Oral ??/40
Total 58.2/100 (Tentatively) C5
- Walaoeh, my prediction came out the OPPOSITE. I thought my P2 will whack my marks all the way down, and P1 will save my ass. But it seems like it's the other way round :P. So i was quite relieved that i did quite well for SA2. 58.2% leh!! This is like my highest P2 ever la..!! Damn shiok :D. But damn the paper 1. The marker mark until "Here flawed argument, there flawed argument" -.-

P1 39/70 (Got error)
P2 43/70
P3 14/20
Oral 31/40
Total 64/100 (Tentatively) B4

1) Zinc will treat me to KFC.
2) SP will do my biddings for once (provided that it's reasonable).
SEE MY MARKS!!! _l_!!!
1 MORE MARK TO B4 sia... NA BEI !!!!! AHHHH!!!!
I don't know whether i have to CURSE, or THANK the teacher.
Curse because that teacher skip 1 whole page of my compo (Hello! I write 2 pages and 1/4 for you to mark de leh. YOU DON'T MARK THEN WHY I DO SO MUCH SIA!)
Thank because NOW that teacher might have to remark my script, with extra marks for content (cause i got extra marks for content liao). And i MIGHT get a chance to still get my KFC. Wakakaka!!! ZINC ah ZINC, your KFC WO CHI DING LE!!! :D

P1 80/80
P2 77/100
Total 88.5/100 A1

-HAH! Unexpected. My P2 is the LOWEST i ever got, IN HISTORY of my 15 years of maths. BUT! I STILL TOPPED LEVEL SIA!! JI LUCKY YI XIA.. I was like thinking "aiya, Maths cannot top jiu suan le lor, still maintain the A can le". Then my P1 full marks! :D But i didn't take a snapshot of it la, which i intended to. Even Duncan Hiew put 1 "Excellent :)" there sia!! :D So this whole year my paper 1 both Full Marks. But P2.. T_T

P1 63/80
Total 78.75/100 A1

-FUCK IT!!! LOWER THAN I THOUGHT BY ALOT!!! HENG CAN STILL JUST NICE STOP AT THIS STUPID SCORE AH.. IF NOT BYE A1 LIAO!! Mr Loh asked me "Why only 63?". Then i replied "Cause you JINX me, you said easy. Easy until 1 77/100 1 63/80 -.-. JINX!!!
How i hope i could redo this paper.......

P1 26/40
P2 29/60
Total 55/100 C5


Combined Humanities
SS 40/50
GG 30.5/50
Total 70.5/100 A2

-This is also 1 of my disappointments. I'm DAMN disappointed with myself for getting this fugly marks in SS sia, especially when i lost to Jasmine by 1 mark. So she was like "yes! I won Melvin." I can only console myself by saying "Yes! I won Jasmine in Geog and OVERALL Humanities!! :D" But still... My 1st A2 for the whole year of Humanities. Drop standard liao. Seems like my SS is not high enough to pull my geog huh?

Combined Science
Chemistry 85.9/100
Physics 92.4/100
Total 89.1/100 A1
-Not much thought about this. But both subjects did not meet my expectation by A LOT.

P1 37/40
P2 58.5/60
Total 95.5/100 A1
-HEHE!!! Currently the highest after knowing all other's scores. This i damn shuang. EXCEPT! Sadly Mavis did not get the same marks as me le, like in SA1. So this is quite saddening for me nia. But otherwise, HAHAHAH!!! Damn shiok :P

Total % in Report Book : 72.0% A2
L1R4 : 10
L1R5 : 14

Total % + Accounts : 74.95% A2
L1R4 : 9
L1R5 : 11


So today KJ's clique brought beyblade to school. Omg, it looks fun, though a bit "out" la. :P I heard they going to bring Tamiya Car to school tomorrow. OMG :o
Older!! :P

Oh ya!! I remembered when Mr Loh says "I honestly dare to say that this AMaths paper is VERY EASY" and i shout "SHUT UP!!!" Then the whole class kena shocked. :P LOL!
But DAMMIT!! Mr Loh never say this i get 80/80. He say liao make me confident-yi-xia then become 77/100, 63/80. NOT JINX ME IS WHAT =S

Then after school i played table tennis with Damien, Korin, with Spectator Shi Ping. And i went home. :D Guai hor?

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:00 PM

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Post No.35

Happy Burpday Shi Ping!!! :D Your 15th anniversary of life..

Today i blog about 2 things ba.
1) Continuation of Korin's malu-ness
2) About Today


I remembered that time i blogged until Right Before the competition right, before i end abruptly? So here's the continuation.

Then the 1st person were like singing and dancing, a somewhat cute song.
2nd person quite normal, have a large range of tone, from high to low. Her "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" scares me at 1st :P
3rd person was the funny one. She sang a very Sexy song, and dances to a very sexy dance. Then she throw her hat everyone clap! LOL!
4th person was quite being "kan hao" one. She sang very powerfully :P EXCEPT, the judges criticise her clothes for not matching the song.
5th was our HPY, Korin Lim. Neh.. The "lalalalala" girl :P

So when they are going to announce the results,
1st consolation prize goes to.. *drumroll*
2nd consolation prize goes to..
3rd consolation prize goes to..
1st prize goes to.. (At this point of time, i was shouting "NUMBER 4 NUMBER 4!!!" :P)
NUMBER 3!!! (Neh.. the sexy de..)

Anyways, all the 5 person gets the same goodie bag.
Korin got 2 Japanese magazine, 1 advertisement, 1 file, 1 key chain. :P!! She wanted vouchers though. Aww.. Don't be sad :( (CHEAP!!!)
Even the 1st prize person gets the same thing, except she could compete in the finals.


So today SP birthday finally CAME (as she always says "My birthday COMING SOON").
I went to meet Korin and Mavis at Junction 8, after eating my Chicken Cutlet and 2 Hot Dogs. So i was like asking them beforehand to help me buy a cake, and i paid Mavis $20. NET LOSS AHH!!!

So we went to SP house. To our horror, we counted 22 chairs in SP house. So here's my thought at that point of time. Is our chair too little, or is her chair too many? :P
Anyway, we sing birthday song. Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to TIMO, Happy birthday to you. Then we cut cake, then we eat it.

I felt VERY Accomplished at that moment, not because I bought her the cake. BUT!! I MANAGED TO SOLVE THE AMATHS SA2 POLYNOMIAL QUESTION FINALLY!!!!! SEE!!!

Ok la, i know is not very clear. Just know that i managed to solve it! :D!! So this sort of eased my guilt as i said i DO NOT KNOW how to do. At least now i can say "Aiya!!! I KNOW HOW SIA!!! EXCEPT NO TIME NIA!! NOT MY FAULT!!!" LOLS!! :P

So after that i played arcade and went home.

Here I am, blogging. '~'

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 5:45 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Post No.34

Hehe!!! Today my topic is going to be quite an interesting one. (From my view huh.)
I will be blogging about our farmer member ; Korin, today :D
Today can be said as Korin farmerest day, according to her.

We met at 1:15p.m. and i get knocked of 1 strepsils. Haiis, net loss $1.40.
So we played our arcade and William-the-bitch arrived. Next, the 3 of us went to find my 2nd-wifey, Mavis at Bishan MRT station.

The reason why i call William the-bitch is because :
1) He is Bitchy.
2) He is very Bitchy
3) He brought along the camera which caused my misery for 5 days at Tainan. As he was perpetually snapping photos of us all along, even when we are eating. Gosh...

Ok, so we reached Clarke Duck Quay. Korin went to find the organiser (I don't know what's her rank la, let's take it as the organiser). Then we follow them, with the other 4 competitors to a shop. I can't describe how it is. It is just a normal shop. But it isn't use for selling items. This puzzles me until now. Which is why Korin always calls me farmer (when she is even more farmer-ic than me).

Then blahblahblahblahblah *in Mr Rafi's tone*. We jiao-wei-ed here jiao-wei-ed there. Here play there play everywhere play play. I won Mavis at William's game, neh, the one which William always play until got "antenna" (His Finger) come out de.
WAHAHA!!! I must say i got a knack for this game :P

Right before Korin's competition going to start, i hinted Mavis about my hunger, and we went to Long John Silvers to buy food.

*BLAHH!!! Don't feel like continuing le. I'll continue tomorrow :P!!*

In the mean time, watch the video below, and go to 3:24 minutes onwards! :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:37 PM

Friday, October 10, 2008

Post No.33


let me just take a few hours to spam all my exams-reflection and my day..
i will be blogging about 4 aspects :
1) Exams Reflections
2) Today's Happening
3) Political Factors
4) Next few days timetables

ok, so where did i stop the last time. *Refer's to my blog for the previous few posts*
OHH!! i stopped at SS and D&T,

Tuesday : Maths Paper 1 & Geog
and i even heard (rumours nia) that 306 got people top, that means i stand a chance in my maths! :D
And geog ah~~ i managed to BOMB and anyhow-whack all my textbook knowledge.. bomb here bomb there, bomb until 6-7 pages i think? :P
This day WAS very smooth...... (You will know my luck recently)

Wednesday : Science(Chemistry) [Noticed i use "Science" in front] & POA
Erm.. Sort of a good luck? Except lousier than Tuesday, cause i Net Loss $0.70 RIGHT BEFORE my POA exam. My 30cm ruler was nowhere to be found. Thus I have to make do with my short 15cm ruler. (Size does matter huh! :P) 1 page still need draw 2 times, so time-consuming sia!! Immediately after Paper 1 i net loss 3 marks thanks to a careless mistake. Zzz.. Well, at least my earlier paper for the day is better. Chemistry is good as i managed to BOMB everything i know too, just like geography. I gave extra infomations but correct, and i answered to the question. If they mark more leniently got chance get full marks ba.. (Ya Right. Dream on..) My POA was quite funny in Paper 2. They ask for 1 reason i gave them 2 that i know. I just thought "Haiya!! They put 2marks ma!! Later they bite me for giving 1 answer. If i write both (Confirm Right) and 1 got wrong i still got method mark by 1 ma!!" =P

Thursday : Maths Paper 2 & Science(Physics) [Noticed i use the word "Science" in front again]
GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS MY WORST MATHS EVER! 2 HOUR 30 MINS AND I CANNOT DO FINISH THE PAPER!! I WAS DAMN SHOCKED WHEN LEFT 10MINS AND I GOT ABOUT 5 SUB QUESTIONS NEVER DO. SO I WAS FRANTICALLY SEARCHING FOR SOLUTIONS TO SAVE MY ASS. In the end, Net Loss 10 marks, not including wrong answers, just questions that i know i'm CONFIRM WRONG or i didn't even do (Which was the 1st time i did that). Very disappointing.. ROAR!!! I'M GOING TO STUDY HARD FOR MATHS LE! NO MORE "Aiya!!! Maths no need study one la~~ Sun Ji Zi Ran jiu OK le!" Next time if you guys see me doing maths, you know why. *Winks*
Physics was good though! :D The questions are relatively Simple. Got chance get full marks like chemistry! :D So there was 1 point of time, where the NA students finished their exams, they plant "bomb" outside out class sia!!! We heard the bomb sound le immediately BREATHE IN HARD FIRST, so after a few minutes the "fart" smell will start polluting our class. Gosh......

Friday : AMaths
The most disappointing Maths ever, probably more than my EMaths Paper 2. I actually DON'T KNOW questions total of 8 marks. Is like the 1st time that i ever DON'T KNOW how to do maths questions in maths exam. I'm SUPER agitated when i saw the questions. Just by using my knowledge, maximum mark already only 90%, haven't minus errors, which i think i have QUITE A FEW...

Overall ah, I feel that all my maths will still get A1 la.. But obviously who doesn't want more marks. And if you know you can get 90, and you get 85, NATURALLY YOU WILL FEEL ANGRY RIGHT? And kao!!! Mr Loh is JINX!!! Paper 1 he never say anything, i passed my EMaths paper 1 with a breeze. Paper 2 he says "Overall, i seriously feel that this paper is very easy. I'm confident in you guys." Bye 10 marks. AMaths paper, after that paper he says "Overall, this paper is really quite easy la..". Bye 8 marks. 2 people was suggesting to me that, the next time he says "The paper is easy." I will say "SHUT UP!! JINX!! EVERYTIME YOU SAY EASY I SAY BYE TO SOME MARKS! NA BEI CCB!!" My BAD subjects did very well, things like English, Chinese, Combined Humanities, D&T. My GOOD subjects did very bad, things like EMaths Paper 2 (10 marks gone), AMaths (8 marks gone), and POA (3 marks gone). Well, at least i got a few POTENTIAL FULL MARKS PAPERS, which i'm proud of! Like Science (Chemistry + Physics), EMaths Paper 1, POA Paper 2. :D!!!

Here's my target for my subjects, as well as how i think i will fare.

English : Target- 65 Predicted-62
Chinese : Target- 70 Predicted-65
EMaths : Target- 95 Predicted-88
AMaths : Target- 90 Predicted-85
Combined Science - Physics : Target- 100 Predicted- 98
- Chemistry : Target- 100 Predicted- 96
Combined Humanities - SS : Target- 90 Predicted- 80
- Geog : Target- 65 Predicted- 60
D&T : Target- 49.98 Predicted-55
POA : Target- 97 Predicted- 96

I think i should seriously write faster for my maths man! I wonder how i can chiong so fast in SA1, but not now. AMaths sets the same amount of questions. But it was no kick to me. Anyhow tikam also 78/80. Now?! -,- Never tikam 8 marks gone liao. =\ But then again, how can i write faster in maths when it is not allowed to be bomb. And you need time to think too? Any tips please put at tag, thanks :D!!! Your help is GREATLY appreciated.

--End of Exams Reflections--

Anyway, here's another reflection which I suddenly thought of. I hate it when people says "Aiya, forget it la, is already over!!".
1) They are running away from their own problems.
2) No doubt it is useless to think of what has happened, BUT, we can still think ma~~ Why not? For memory sake, for lesson's sake. I don't see anything wrong with it.
3) Just make the (3) as our reasons always have to come in 3...

Today :

As you can read from my Friday's reflection lor. My exams comes first. Then i went home with LG, and go play table tennis. So after that we parted our ways, and i went to AMKHub to play Pump. Kao!! si William, reach there the same time as me, but we were at different part of the Arcade, i was at Pump, then BishiBashi while he was at Daytona -.-!! Thus, we met 30mins later, retarded right?!! OH YA!! Today was the 2nd time where i played pump got stranger clap sia!! Damn song, but at the same time, i didn't really react to them la, i just act nonchalent. My 1st time having clap was playing Para Para at the AMK Central (The one that has been torn down). But then again, that song i played was still quite ok la, but still can impress people, not bad huh :P.

I'm super pissed off by the fact that we actually have 3, THREE Cheers in AMK central instead of 2. Korin, SP, Damien suddenly disappeared in arcade, so i called them. They told me that they were in Cheers. Ok, so me and William stupidly went to the 1st one, opposite Macdonalds. We call them "Where You?"
"At Cheers"
And we went to the "MRT's Cheers" as they said. They are nowhere to be found too.
"Where You?"
"At Cheers"
(NBCB, isn't that our 1st cheers we go) So we went back to our 1st Cheers. To our horror, they are not there too!
So this time, William made the call.
"Where you?"
"At Cheers"
"OHH!!!!" So they weren't wrong, it WAS indeed considered as a MRT Tunnel and inside AMKHub. -.-

Next, My SUEY THINGS HAPPEN. FUCK MAN!!! I LOST MY WALLET. AND I WAS FRANTICALLY SEARCHING FOR IT. Luckily William my Superman came to my rescue, he was more calm than me (even though research shows that he is a lot more frantic by me :P, Research done by Dr.Melvin Tan). He found my wallet at the 1st Cheers we went, as i bought Bubble Tea from there. Haiis.. i felt so sia suey at that moment. 15 years old le still so careless.

Lastly, i want to announce that I HAVE OFFICIALLY BECOME A ZONEX MIP!!! :D!!!!
ok la, i got no proof as my HP camera is only 2 megapixel, and i'm too lazy to take a good shot. BUT STILL! Being an MIP player is so shiok sia, having a customized card. (Though 2 people is sososososo envious of me). 1 never be a MIP Player for 2 years, and wanting to be 1. 1 losing a VIP card during $494th (sad for her la, really).

Thus i continued my day of arcade, eat, arcade, go home.

As you guys read my contents today, i'm going to blog about a political matter. It may sounds strong, but i hope people can think with your BRAINS, not your HEART/HEAD (as your head might not be as useful as your brains).

Here's an introduction for the matter :

We do seem united, huh, peeps? Really? Thank you.

Let's see another photo then.

I guess you guys should know what i'm going to blog about. If not, read in between the lines.
So, look back again at this photo huh.

Now i'm going to do some editing to it.

So now, as you can see, our class is actually NOT united like we appeared as. We can clearly tell that there are MANY group of cliques in our class.

Nownow, here's my question. So what is a class with scattered populations everywhere? Why can't we be as a CLASS, rather than as a GROUP. I know i'm making a hill out of a mole. But the thought of the rest of the 20+ people being outcasted in class disgusted me. Think; we will be as a class for 2 years. TWO YEARS, for goodness sake, that's 731 days, if you include the leap year this year. Wouldn't life be so unbearable for us, the outcasted? I know you guys might say "Aiya!!! Only a photo ma, why so serious?" if not "Need you KPO anot, also not your business" or "You're unreasonable."
Here's my argument ; As a class, shouldn't we be more united? Not in the sense of a clique, but as a 39-pupils-cum-friends manner.

But then again, I am quite pissed off with this. And i'm only blogging to vent my anger on it. I believe many people would feel the same thing. I won't quote who that person is. But this person said "Aiya, why go to the chalet when we are being outcasted? Might as well go arcade." So i hope my point gets through.

Anyways, to those person i referred to, don't take my words too sensitively, but think logically. I apologize if i sounded harsh, or not being respectful to you, in general. Be more professional and less personal! Peace!

Tomorrow : Go play Table Tennis with Zinc, Jun Hao, and whoever Zinc asked.
Sunday : Probably going to Korin's competition. We go make banner put "KORIN YOUR BAO YING LAI LIAO!!"
Monday : I not sure, how about organising people to go Jurong Swimming Complex to swim? Since i haven't been doing that all these while. Or go ice-skating and have blister all over your feet?
Tuesday : SP's Birthday. Probably we will decide on somewhere the next few days, before this day.
Wednesday : Cry my hearts out for doing bad for my EMaths and AMaths.

So as you can see, i'm actually VERY BUSY :P Even without CCA.

Haiis.. i blogged until my eyes gonna pop out le. But i guess it was quite worth it, compiling all my thoughts into a blog. Stupid sia. I actually blogged until i feel hungry, ying liao lor..
So, since today i have to sleep early, for the fact that tomorrow will be playing table tennis with Jun Hao and Zinc, i guess i shall stop blogging now! :D I'll SPARE ALL OF YOU FOR THE AGONY TO READ MY 2000-WORD-POST :D!! BU YONG KE QI!!! BU XU YAO REN QING ONE!!!

-End with a whooping amount of 2012 words, excluding this sentence-

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 6:48 PM

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Post No.32.5

To compensate for the past 3 days, here's some more Personality Tests...
Good or bad, both i would post. :D
See i so nice, no bias-ness detected.

Your Personality Profile

You are happy, driven, and status conscious.

You want everyone to know how successful you are.

Very logical, you see life as a game of strategy.

A bit of a loner, you prefer to depend on yourself.

You always keep your cool and your composure.

You are a born leader and business person.

The World's Shortest Personality Test

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

Could You Pass 8th Grade Math?

You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.

You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.

You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.

Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.

You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.

Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.

At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.

You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.

You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

What Temperament Are You?

Your Five Factor Personality Profile


You have low extroversion.

You are quiet and reserved in most social situations.

A low key, laid back lifestyle is important to you.

You tend to bond slowly, over time, with one or two people.


You have medium conscientiousness.

You're generally good at balancing work and play.

When you need to buckle down, you can usually get tasks done.

But you've been known to goof off when you know you can get away with it.


You have low agreeableness.

Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.

In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.

And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.


You have medium neuroticism.

You're generally cool and collected, but sometimes you do panic.

Little worries or problems can consume you, draining your energy.

Your life is pretty smooth, but there's a few emotional bumps you'd like to get rid of.

Openness to experience:

Your openness to new experiences is low.

You're a pretty conservative person, and you favor what's socially acceptable.

You think that change for novelty's sake is a very bad idea.

While some may see this as boring, many see you as dependable and wise.

The Five Factor Personality Test

Your Lucky Underwear is Green

You're a total go getter who will scrape and crawl to get to the top. And your lucky green underwear will help you get there without a struggle.

A fast learner, you enjoy a good mental challenge - whether it's getting your law degree or running a successful business.

Sometimes you push too hard to succeed, alienating friends and wearing yourself out in the process.

If you want to reach your goals while still maintaining a full life, put on your green underpants. They'll help you slow down and enjoy life.

What Color Is Your Lucky Underwear?

You Failed 8th Grade Geography

Sorry, you only got 3/10 correct!

Could You Pass 8th Grade Geography?

Your Deadly Sins

Greed: 80%

Wrath: 60%

Lust: 40%

Pride: 40%

Sloth: 40%

Envy: 20%

Gluttony: 0%

Chance You'll Go to Hell: 40%

You'll die in a shuttle crash, on your way to your resort on the moon.

How Sinful Are You?

Your Brain is 47% Female, 53% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female

You are both sensitive and savvy

Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed

But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

What Gender Is Your Brain?

You are 67% Cancer

You are 67% Cancer

How Cancer Are You?

Your Aura is Green

You're very driven, competitive, and even a bit jealous.

However, you seek out balance in your life - and you usually achieve it!

The purpose of your life: inspiring others to be better

Famous greens include: Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Martha Stewart

Careers for you to try: Guru, CEO, Talk Show Host

What Color Is Your Aura?

Your EQ is 113

You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.

On an average day, you're quite happy, together, and content. You live your life well.

Your emotions aren't always stable, but you can go along with the ups and downs pretty well.

You tend to be motivated, energetic, focused, and level headed.

You see the world pretty rationally, and you don't tend to over dramatize things. When things are bad, you know they eventually have to get better.

What's Your EQ (Emotional Intelligence Quotient)?

Your Career Personality: Brainy, Logical, and Efficient

Your Ideal Careers:



Book editor

Business manager

Civil engineer






The Quick and Dirty Career Test

You've Changed 44% in 10 Years

You've done a good job changing with the times, but deep down, you're still the same person.

You're clothes, job, and friends may have changed some - but it hasn't changed you.

How Much Have You Changed in 10 Years?

You Are 70% Left Brained, 30% Right Brained

The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.

Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.

If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.

Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.

Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.

If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.

Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.

Are You Right or Left Brained?

You Are 80% Psychic

You are so very psychic.

But you already predicted that, didn't you?

You have “the gift” - and you use it daily to connect with others.

You're very tapped into the world around you...

Just make sure to use your powers for good!

Are You Psychic?

Your Learning Style: Organized and Goal Oriented

You are good at leading a group and finishing projects.

You Should Study:



Fashion Merchandising

Health Administration

Interior Design

International Studies

Public Administration

What Should You Study?

You Have OK Karma

You try to be a good person... well, sometimes you try!

While you are caring deep down, you don't always show it.

You're very focused on yourself, and others come second (if not third).

Which is fine, but don't expect others to focus on you.

How's Your Karma?

Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.

Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.

You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it.

You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.

You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

OK LA.. i know you probably get so fucking flustered over so many results! :P
I think i should end your misery here. Tomorrow then i blog about ALL my exams ok? :)

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:36 PM

Post No.32


CANNOT DON'T DO FINISH AGAIN LE!!! ROAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:27 PM

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Post No.31

haiii.. i'm damn disappointed with my POA paper 1 today... :(

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:48 PM

Monday, October 6, 2008

Post No.30

HEYHEY!!! MY SS, my love, subject and D&t, My 'LOVEST' subject just ended today!!!! :D!!!

My ss ah..

i attempted SEQ 1st, VERY WELL DONE, i completed both essay in 43mins :D!! and i used all the words that i come across in SS le!! Thus, i did very well.

What kills me was their SBQs... KAO!! ALL THE SOURCE NO LINK DE!!
1 Question asked : How reliable is Source E in showing that the IRA is not violent.
i don't know is my 'good' english, or is the stupid source, but i can only find evidence there that shows it's violence! Thus, to my horror, my last 2 mins then in notice the "NOT!" violent. =.= So i just change 1 of my sentence structure to make change my whole arguments =x

Thus, Target 45/50, 40% chances of getting it, Provided i get both full marks for my SEQ..

My FAVOURITE subject ah.. i got nothing to say, i didn't even bother to check as i was too SURE that i will "score well" :D!! Thus i left 30mins before DnT ends, and i chat with people here and there, as i was too bored :P

So tomorrow will be my Geog, HOPEFULLY I DON'T DID TOO BADLY (im Aiming for 75, but since my Geog everytime pull my SS down, can pull and STOP AT 75 would be good also, thus i have to aim for 65 marks, 1 more mark than in SA1 =.=)


cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 5:52 PM

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Post No.29.5

i got nothing to post for today, so just let me make up for today with another personality thread ba!

What Your Handwriting Says About You

You are highly energetic. You are a passionate, intense, vigorous person.

You are somewhat outgoing, but you're not a natural extrovert. You think first before you act. You tend to be independent, rational, and logical.

You are extravagant, over the top, and indulgent. You set trends and influence people.

You need a bit of space in your life, but you're not a recluse. You expect people to give you a small amount of privacy, and you respect their privacy as well.

You are a free thinker. You are unique, open minded, and artistic. You don't care what other people think.

You are a good communicator. You work hard to get your ideas across effectively.

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

bye :)

*Hope to pass my SS with flying colours ah!! i trained very hard for it liao...*

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:45 PM

Post No.29

Since i haven't sleep, i'll post the LAST post of today ba! ^_^

Here's my character : (Korin says it's true for me)

Your Hair Should Be Blonde

You are outgoing, light hearted, and a ton of fun.

You don't take life too seriously, and you do your best to charm everyone you meet.

You are very energetic. People tend to underestimate you, but you can get a lot done.

You do tend to be a bit sensitive. If someone has a bad opinion of you, it truly hurts.

You are cunning and clever. You are smart, but you aren't “book smart” or academic.

Some people may think you're superficial, but they're not seeing the whole picture.

What Color Hair Should You Have?

okie, leave your comments at tagboard ba, i don't know whether this is right for me too....

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 12:54 AM

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Post No.28.5

hmm... just came back home not long ago.

So today after my previous blog, i went out. I went to library to study SS.
I 开窍-ed.

For SEQ : Deterrence & Diplomacy
Deterrence - Answer in the 1 GF, 2 OF format.
Diplomacy - Answer in this NEWLY-FOUND format.
Introduction -> Why is ASEAN/UN Successful? -> Why is it not successful -> Conclusion :)

so after my library kai-qiao-ness, i butt itchy, went to play arcade at jubliee, and got my toe injured :(
Thus, an advice to everyone, Don't play feet games if you are NOT focus. I kicked a piece of metal in D.D.R T_T!!!
ok la.. i just making the pain exaggerated. It is ok now, just that got the stupid blood stain =\

And here i am :)

im going to go play my richman and gameboy le! :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 10:32 PM

Post No.28

ok, i just change my blogskin until i almost died.

Here's a make-up for yesterday's post :

Yesterday :
i can't really remember what happen la, since i got Long-term memory (I can only remember BIG things that can happen very long).

At KFC i saw a 2 primary school friends :D!
andand, Eugene was DAMN SHOCKED to see that i'm almost as tall as him. Aww don't be sad.. :P
So he wore a Serangoon Garden Uniform, and took Hui Zhong's Deyi T-shirt and wear outside. Guess how he look like?


ok out of point -.-

Next, me, Mavis, LG went to library and saw CN and Zn. Worr.. Early in the morning i saw Number 8. Afternoon still got 2,4,5. I'm so BLESSED :P

Then mugmugmug, mug until headache finally completed my sri lanka notes! so i guess i won't die liao :P

ok la, at night i see got event anot, got then i blog =x

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 1:46 PM

Friday, October 3, 2008

Post No.27

Morning, 6:45 a.m reached school, with 2 milo and 2 Sausage McMuffin smuggled to school. Was almost caught by security guard, and i took a detour.

So early in the morning i'm eating breakfast with SP, while waiting for MT Paper 2 to start.

ok la, i won't bored you guys by talking about what happened in the paper (i intended to do so), so i just roughly tell you how i fare lor :
I Fare GOOD!!! (Compared to my USUAL self, this my 1st time writing 800-words compo!)
Which means Zinc have to treat me Mac, and SP have to do my biddings (provided it's reasonsble!)

that's all :) bye

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:50 PM

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Post No.26

Ahhhh.. sian... 8 more subjects to go..

Here's my preparation for exams : (You can see i slacked a lot here T_T)


-i merely read a bit on some 俗语, hopefully tomorrow i can get to use some of them, which increases the content/language of my Composition :P
-Format fully memorised :D

EMaths & AMaths
-Like what i always told SP, and my words being twisted by her as "Aiya, maths no need study one, XI GUAN JIU HAO!" I really didn't study at all for maths, except doing Mr Loh's Maths papers. (and i have quite a few errors, which i would put that down to deproving)

-Done notes for the whole syllabus, BUT, i barely know much about thermal energy. =\
-Need to improve on my Turning Effect, and certain physics definition also...

-Ok.. so i have to MAKE SURE i die die also must get high marks for this year's SA2, since i also completed the chapter. Then i must improve my Kinetic Particle Theory, Separation Techniques and Appratus in lab.

Social Studies
-HA!! My stress-est subject in my whole life. I think i've already done my LEVEL BEST in jotting down the notes, though i haven't even completed 1 chapter. Hopefully what i studied really come out, or else i needa plan for backup plan again, like in SA1. (KAO!!! DON'T EVER HAPPEN ON ME LEH!!!! I KENA A SHOCK OUT OF MY LIFE THAT TIME, WHEN MY HEALTHCARE DIDN'T COME OUT!!! CCB!!!)
- Now on my way to doing Weighing the factors for Causes and Consequences, then both their Conclusions. :)
-After that i have to chiong 1 more chapter, on Diplomacy.

-T_T lagged 3 chapters, Need this to be at least a B4, so my SS can PULL all the way up, if not i say bye to 1 A1 liao =X.
-Hopefully can complete the 3 chapters of notes (which i highly impossible as i don't have the motivation.

-Aiya, basically, I NEVER STUDY LA! :) I'm proud to say that as i already given up on DnT. Thus, im going to spend my time on the other 7 subjects! Bye DnT! :)

-Ok, this ah.. i GUESS i've already covered EVERYTHING POSSIBLE ON EARTH ABOUT POA CHAPTER 1-11. I even prepared 86 theory questions in case they ask weird questions to kill me. So, with "predicted and perfected" theory questions, and draw draw draw, i guess i'm well prepared le!

ok, after the naggy reflection, here's my day : (Sorry la~~ i have to do this reflection, so i can have a gauge of how far i'm behind, i also learnt more about my subjects after i typed this out, maybe all of you should try it, you might be enlightened :P)

i started the day with rain welcoming me to school. i would like to thank *ahem* for not raining too heavily, or i will really get drowned like last Monday.

the first thing i stepped into my class, i continued listened to my music -.-. I heard some past songs that i add in a year ago, quite nice (aiyo.. i got 495 songs in total ma, thus some songs i didnt even hear for 6months lor)
I heard songs like Koyote - Spark etc. After that, i took out my SS book and started mugging. I started by writing the Introduction for Sri Lanka, and i ended it.

Here's another self-reflection of myself in class, NOWADAYS :
I don't know why, but it seems like i'm more into my own world nowadays in class. Mr Loh was teaching is Maths in class, when i played around, do SS notes, and answer some random question asked by him. Thankfully, he didn't scold me at all, despite being caught doing SS during his lesson once. Ms Kaur lesson was the same. She teaches her chem, i do my own stuff. Maybe i should learn to be more "guai" in class huh... T_T

next, DnT lesson, and WOOTS!!! MY DnT DESTINY ENDED HERE!!! NOW WAITING FOR DnT EXAMS AND I GOING TO ASK THEM IF I CAN DROP LE! :P I'm again, suey, in DnT as the first thing Imran saw me, with a group of people, he ask me to pick up a water bottle lying on the floor. NA BEI CHEEBYE!! THE WHOLE AREA GOT LIKE 10+ STUDENTS YOU SPOT ME ONLY? YOU GOT SOMETHING AGAINST ME ISSIT? PEOPLE DON'T KNOW DO WHAT WRONG (WHICH I GUESS IS WORST THAN MY CRIME DE U MERELY SAID "I'm giving you a chance ah, don't do it again". YOU ASK YOURSELF, HAVE YOU DID THAT TO ME WHEN I PONTEN YOUR LESSON? NO! YOU MERELY SENT ME FOR DETENTION (even though i enjoyed that detention alot, oops, out of point). Good, so it's true that 人善被人欺. GET THIS STRAIGHT, NO MORE NICE ME IN DNT ANYMORE. _l_) With that, i hope you will STOP bugging me for stuff, especially for INSIGNIFICANT stuff.

I can never understand why, for the past 3 years, i've been going to detention for things i feel insignificant. Like tucking out shirt, wth? I stretch stretch my back the shirt come out. I tucked in back, and walk to another place, my shirt tucked out again. -.- This time, is pontening a lesson which i felt was not important at all.

Next, Geography. I got 10/15 AGAIN for my geography test. And to my horror, HQ topped the class with 12/15. Wow! Thats shocking! I didn't know he is so good at referring. :D Nice one though, im serious, not being sarcastic. So i topped 3/6, and i won HJM1 by 2 marks now :P. Mavis keep wanting me to say HJM got 8/15, so she can MING SHUANG shout "YES!", as she got 8 too, she didn't even study.

Next, SS. I AM VERY DISSAPOINTED WITH MR RAFI!! LAST LESSON LE, BEFORE WE HAVE OUR DOOMSDAY SS PAPER. He didn't came to school. I actually wanted to ask him a lot of question. About
1) Whether my SBQ is answering in the correct format, or is there anything i need to improve on.
2) How to study for Diplomacy, ASEAN and UN, as their notes are scrambled up, and
3) Whether my introduction, weighing the factors and conclusion is on the right track.

As the recess bell ring, me and mavis went to approach Ms (or Mrs, as stated by her) Rashidah, telling her that we will be going to her class on wednesday for POA exam, she still remembers us sia! I respect her for that. Cuz there were once where she "identified" Parrot Lee at somewhere in public. I mean is like, she didn't teach us for so long and can still remember us? WHATS MORE, she taught us FN only, which lessons were quite rare. I think she's the only teacher that got such a talent. Wow!
so she was like 'suaning' me and mavis, while we 暗爽. She asked "So you 2 going to claimed your 91 marks again ha?" and we corrected her that it's 97! :P ok la, thats not the point. Anyway, after informing her that, i felt quite relieved liao, since i believe Mr Loh didn't have the time to tell Ms (or Mrs) Rashidah about us, as he is SUPERLY BUSY.

Then we have our Maths lesson, which i did other things. and went for chinese, sadly, this might be our last lesson with Mdm Loke. I will miss mdm loke man! she's a very good chinese teacher. Very sui bian, but can still ensure we pass up her homework. And will even chat with us. And she know what WE are thinking. There wasn't much generation gap talking to her! It was fun having her as our teacher. Sigh...
Then we have maths maths maths. Alot of Maths for the whole day.

After the Maths remedial, i went to Mac to eat. Me and LG saw Leonard (Pri Sch Classmate) AGAIN (we just saw him yesterday too!). So we chat chat, and i noticed i don't know how to do his maths paper, and made a blunder of myself :) This really shows how bad i am in maths huh?

Then i go home, played Richman etc. And now chatting to SP, while complaining that the blogger dashboard glare is killing me, as i was blogging this entry.

Thus, here marks the end of my long blog entry. :)

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:30 PM

Yours truly.

Helloh! :D
my name is Melvin
currently 15years old.
in Deyi Secondary School
This blog is made on 17/05/2008.
You can add me at meowvin93@hotmail.com

msn | friendster | blogskins

Myspace Clocks at WishAFriend.com

Score many A's in exam
A New Laptop
More clothes
GameBoy DS
To get the hell outta D&T

Talk Cock Sing Song Drink Coffee!

Create your own Friend Test here
Empty Box

Update later :)


Shwu Tyng
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Sheng Lon
Tze Yeng
Xue Li
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Shao Beng


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Basecodes: I LOVE YOU
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