
all i had to say was goodbye,

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Post No.56

PS! Super loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong MIA!!

Although I have a lot of things to blog about, but i'm too tired to blog about all the incident. :X Therefore, I shall just blog about today.

Erm..Uhh..Ahhhh... So I woke up at 7.50a.m., by my cousin constantly knocking on the door. Then I wore my soaked-to-the-skin shoes (that are really the state of after-catching-fish-game).

Had our normal lessons, with people asking "eh, you cut your hair ah?"
"Yes (can't you tell meh, i thought i cut until quite short le)"

After school I went for debates and noticed the 'headache' for my group.
1st Speaker - Done research, but was on the wrong side (Opposition become Proposition)
2nd Speaker - Forgot to do research
3rd Speaker (me) - Too lazy to do research -_-!! (15 news logs during NIU year leh, really worked me like an Ox during CNY lor ;X)
So I quickly rush through www.debatabase.com and print wholesale. Even the instructor Leroy was like "wah! you copy whole thing also can ah!" =X

Aiya whatever, the sad part was, we lost to that bloody-bitch-supporter-of-thights-plus-409-chairperson-and-MND-commitee William Tan (NOT THAT DOCTOR THAT TRAVEL FOR LONG DISTANCE WITH AMPUTATED LEGS! DON'T SPOIL HIS REPUTATION!). I still think we should win him lor. For a simple reason that our 1st speaker did better than their 1st, 2nd better than their 2nd, and me better than william (since he obviously said so much of no-points stuff while saying that we are 'not in the topic' and I at least made some points).

Then homed lor.

K Korin lame, I done my job of brogging.

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:59 PM

Friday, January 2, 2009

Post No.55

First day of school!

So the last night I couldn't get back to sleep after I slept at 10pm and woke at 11pm. Played comp all the way till morning and downloaded some Pump and Drummania songs. So if anyone plays any of these games and wants the song can come to me.

Apparently I asked my cousin meet me at 6.30am, and at 6am i phone him to meet liao. How efficient. Then went to the ghost school with flickering light from the Exit signboard, and light-less corridors and classrooms.

We went down to the quadrangle at 7.30am, while I almost get caught for long hair there.

First 1 hour was used to settle admin stuffs. Ohh!! GOOD NEWS! MR LOH IS STILL OUR MATHS TEACHER!!! ANDAND!! MDM LOKE IS OUR CHINESE TEACHER :DD!! So this is a load off my mind. I heard from that dumb Korin Lame that Mr Soon is teaching us maths. =.=

Ahhh whatever, then Mrs Cheam teaches chem again, and Mr Neo teaches physics, Freddy - Geography, Harmit - English then Maths lesson, then homed and sleep! So here I am, blogging after I woke up and watched Xiao Niang Re.


cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 11:06 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Post No.54 (HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!)

Today I will be posting about my December holidays 的其中两天 with Steffi Tan (Don't get the wrong idea, she is not my stead.) and Shi Ping (This my shifu, don't even think about it).

So 1 of the days (forgotten when), we went for ice skate (blogged about it). Here's the picts :

Ok la, I know I looked hunch-back here :X TOO TALL CAN? :P

Another day is when we are about to go home, we went PLAYGROUND (I'll let you guys' imagination run wild.). Picts again :

Aiyo, play until slipper drop out also dunno.....

Steffi shy liao :P (note that the slipper is still there)

Steffi acting Number4!

Steffi thinking "bu yao pai wo!! bu yao pai wo!! ahh!! bu yao bu yao!!" while bu yao lian de wave to my phone. SP also trying to revenge for me taking her picts. :P

Ok so the last day (which is 31 December 2008) :

Ok la, end of pictures le. Hope you enjoy my 1st SUPER-MANY-PEEKATURES-POST! :D

Wo jiu dao ci ting (keyboard?) bi. :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 2:14 AM

Yours truly.

Helloh! :D
my name is Melvin
currently 15years old.
in Deyi Secondary School
This blog is made on 17/05/2008.
You can add me at meowvin93@hotmail.com

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