
all i had to say was goodbye,

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Post No.61

Stole from Shi Ping's blog

Official Handwriting Analysis - Personality Report

This personality profile is based on the writing of Melvin Tan created at the website: Handwriting Wizard.com - Handwriting University's Official automated personality report creator based on standardized basic personality traits as taught through Handwriting University's Certification Level Program.

Melvin uses judgment to make decisions. He is ruled by his head, not his heart. He is a cool, collected person who is usually unexpressive emotionally. Some may see him as unemotional. He does have emotions but has no need to express them. He is withdrawn into himself and enjoys being alone.

The circumstances when Melvin does express emotions include: extreme anger, extreme passion, and tremendous stress. If someone gets him mad enough to tell him off, he will not be sorry about it later. He puts a mark in his mind when someone angers him. He keeps track of these marks and when he hits that last mark he will let them know they have gone too far. He is ruled somewhat by self-interest. All his conclusions are made without outside emotional influence. He is very level-headed and will remain calm in an emergency situation. In a situation where other people might get hysterical, he has poise.

Melvin will work more efficiently if given space and time to be alone. He would rather not be surrounded by people constantly. In a relationship, he will show his love by the things he does rather than by the things he says. Saying "I love you" is not a needed routine because he feels his mate should already know. The only exception to this is if he has logically concluded that it is best for his mate to hear him express his love verbally.

Melvin is not subject to emotional appeals. If someone is selling a product to him, they will need to present only the facts. They should present them from a standpoint of his sound judgment. He will not be taken in by an emotional story about someone else. He will meet emergencies without getting hysterical and he will always ask "Is this best for me?"

People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Melvin doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.

Melvin will be candid and direct when expressing his opinion. He will tell them what he thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want his opinion, don't ask for it!

In reference to Melvin's mental abilities, he has a very investigating and creating mind. He investigates projects rapidly because he is curious about many things. He gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but he soon must slow down and look at all the angles. He probably gets too many things going at once. When Melvin slows down, then he becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, he must slow down to do it. He then decides what projects he has time to finish. Thus he finishes at a slower pace than when he started the project.

He has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. His mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. He can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Melvin can then switch into his low gear. When he is in the slower mode, he can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. He is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.

Melvin is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. He needs to visualize the end of a project before he starts. he finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said he plans everything he is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Melvin basically feels good about himself. He has a positive self-esteem which contributes to his success. He feels he has the ability to achieve anything he sets his mind to. However, he sets his goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". He has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, he will not take great risks, as they relate to his goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, his self-perception is better than average.

Melvin is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect his ego when he feels hurt. He pokes people harder than he gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.

Melvin will take action on his thoughts. He is positive that his views are correct for him. He has the ability to seem as if he is positively correct when answering a question, even if he does not have the slightest idea of the answer. Melvin displays a self-confidence that makes everyone else sure he is correct. He is positive of his own views, but not necessarily stubborn.

Melvin is very self-sufficient. He is trying not to need anyone. He is capable of making it on his own. He probably wants and enjoys people, but he doesn't "need" them. He can be a loner.

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Melvin has no white space or margins on a typical sheet of paper. Melvin fills up every last inch on the top, right, left, and bottom. Hmmm. If this is true, then Melvin has a very aggressive personality toward others and quite frankly lacks a bit of respect for the space and property of other people. I would be surprised if Melvin just comes into someone's home and helps himself to a drink in the refrigerator. This can be both an obnoxious personality trait and it can be assertive and effective in getting what you want. There isn't much fear of getting in trouble here, Melvin finds plenty of reasons to break the rules and get in trouble. (Okay, perhaps when he was younger, not anymore?) Basically, people with no margins are a handful.

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:33 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post No.60

Yo all! I'm back!

Yesterday :
Hmm, yesterday was quite fun for me, since lessons were pretty no kick to me.
Neh, Here's the proof
1. Free Period
2. Free Period
3. Free Period
4. Free Period
5. Free Period (Wee~)
6. Physics
8. Maths
9. Maths
10. Maths (Having Maths to me is as good as free period)
11. VE
So as you can see, I am very free on mondays.

HAH! Here's the interesting part ; I brought this nerd/pilot/ahbeng specs to school and everyone was like wanting to try it, or flooded me with questions. Since I am super bored and feel like act-cuting, here's the FAQ :
1. Your specs got degree a not?
Ans : No it is zero-degree.
2. How much you bought?
Ans : $15 SGD
3. Where did you buy it?
Ans : 77th Street, Bishan J8
4. Won't get caught meh?
Ans : It looks too nerd too be caught, Bleah.
5. Why do you buy it if it is zero-degree?
Ans : No reason, yi jian zhong qing, since I saw Keith wearing it before.


Whatever! I must be too bored to think of this. Anyways, even MND Mr Dan go try the specs -.-, seems like it really created a commotion huh!

OHOH!!! I got back my AM test result! So the superstitious me still believe that that specs brought me great luck, since I have not been getting full marks for consecutively 2-3 tests (which all I assumed I will get it). So..

Yes We Can - Obama
Yes I Can - Melvin Tan :)

Today :
Hmm, today basically was tougher than yesterday (DuH!)
EL was ok, except for the fact that I have to do 45 Opinions in 2 days for news log. Since I left it out due to time constraint. Then Maths we learnt an easy-long chapter. Blah Blah

2 question to ask for my chemistry test. If possible answer it on tagboard, thx!

1. Liquid Bromine is added to Potassium Chloride. Explain what you will see.
a) Brown vapour form.
b) Green air seen.
c) (forgot the answer :P, but confirm wrong)
d) No visible Reaction
My answer is D, since obviously it has no displacement taken place, so just want to confirm.

2. Metal (literally Metal, no name) Oxide is 20g. It is said that Oxygen takes up 4g of it, what is the mass of METAL?
a) 4g
b) 8g
c) 16g
d) 20g
I know the general answer is c la, I also put that. But i doubt it's so easy ba, maybe the answer could be d for all I know, This I am really not sure. Guide me pl0x! :P

Then after school we go eat at the AMK Central de Market there.
To my surprise, I saw :
1) 王禄江
3)Fiona Xie
4) 黄俊雄
So apparently they are filming a show called "排排站,查查看".

Then Korin and I went for debates, and we saw how William malu-ly stands up (IN THE VIDEO) when the person announce "For our Opposition, Deyi Secondary School." and when the person says "1st Speaker, William Tan", his face rose to a deep shade of red, and damn sia suey, since we are competing against other school.
Today I learnt how to track the debate. So my homework would be
1) Off topic but sadly true, 45 Opinions on news log.
2) On topic, Motion : Salary caps should be imposed on athletics. And I am the 1st Proposition speaker. Shall research on it, though it is a weird topic that debatabase and debatepedia doesn't have.

Ok, Ending this long speech here.

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:10 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009

Post No.59

What mental disorder do you have?
Your Result: OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)

You have odd obsessions that you cannot seem to control. You may even perform rituals to make you feel better. Counting and continuously obsessing over things happens frequently.

GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)
Manic Depressive
ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
What mental disorder do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

What Your Personailty
Your Result: Shy

You are a shy person that doesnt like doing weird stuff in front of people that you dont know. You dont like talking to new people and have hard time making friends.

What Your Personailty
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

How many kids will I have?
Your Result: 1-3

You will have at least one child. The child will be the same gender as your significant other. If you have a second child it will be the same sex as your best friend in middle school. If you have a third child it will be the same sex as you.

0 kids
How many kids will I have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

What stereo type fits you
Your Result: Preppy

you dress neat and clean cut. you can be annoying and a bit of an air head people like you can be slightly materialistic but can sometimes be a nice person but be careful that you dont think your better than everyone because you'll end up alone

emo/ depressed
What stereo type fits you
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

you are a 60% Congradulations.

Your brain age is 20 You know your stuff, sorta If you like it soo much then why dont you marrie it? You strange strange strange strange person. Remember you are the only one perfect and even though you got questions wrong, you still hink your perfect :D

Your brain age...again
Take More Quizzes

You are 57% nerd!

Oh come on, be honest you're a nerd. Embrace it, because you need some confidence to carry off nerd!

Are you a nerd? you know you are!
Take More Quizzes

What kind of girlfriend will you have?
Your Result: Sweetie

This girl will be sweet to you and be sensitive to your needs. She will not be afraid t ask you if somethings wrong. She will always be in a happy mood and help others

What kind of girlfriend will you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

"What Type of Attitude do I Have?"
Your Result: SHY!!

You are quiet around people you don't know but more confident matter of fact most confident person around a good group of friends! You are a good thinker and you care a LOT about what your peers think about you. My advice to you is LIVE A LITTLE!! Thank God everyone is different and don't think the same thing about you when they first see you everyone's different!!

"What Type of Attitude do I Have?"
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

What is Your Super-Secret ability?
Your Result: Human Lie Detector

You are very lonely and sad most of the time. You don't have many friends to help you out. Your power is great, though. You can see when ANYONE is telling a lie. When problem strikes, you usually have a hard time dealing with it.

Time Freezing
Mind Reading
Human Encyclopedia
See The Future
Super Strength
What is Your Super-Secret ability?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 6:46 PM

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Post No.58

Shall blog from yesterday ba..

Yesterday : Basically the usual stuffs at school, with the tests etc. Went for Debates after that and helped out a little (actually you can say i didn't do much also la..).

Then evening our school go CHIJ ____ (Don't know what CHIJ sub-school was that) and saw Sam Lim photo on the staff board (He went to this particular school). So I saw Deyi vs Woodgrove in debates on the motion " This house would deny convicted criminals the right to vote. " I would say our school loss due to SHEER sueyness lor. Our debators (which includes the jinxed Korin) spoke in total for like 4mins more than the other school, all super lack in content de. Then we lost cause the say "we never follow THEIR debates, and it is the job of Opposition(us) to rebutt the Proposition in their own definition. :( Then we went home, on the bus with Mr Chang, William, Damien, Miss Chan and GJW lor. But then again, I still don't understand why Mr Chang die die also must enforce school rules OUTSIDE school.

Today basically nothing much to talk about luh. I went out with Korin to buy the spec, then Steffi join us awhile. Then we went AMKHub while Steffi went Bugis to buy her NEW bag. So everyone got some comments on my newly-bought specs! :P

Ohh!! So we watched The Wedding Game (a.k.a Da Xi Shi). It was actually funny and nice in my opinion, but poor Christopher, have to keep 'wear less' and got his **** "whacked" by Fann. :P

Then we went nebo and "Study (Do you believe me? *blinks eye in an innocent manner)".
Lastly, we went to play Pump and I went home :)

That's all! BYE! :D

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 10:09 PM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Post No.57

What's up with this fucked up school man..?!

English was fun today :D, we learnt acronyms and we have an assignment to write as many acronyms as possible. So we learnt stuffs like :
DND - Do Not Disturb (This was very diao :X) and etc

So next was Maths, with Mr Loh's first ever bullet train speed teaching a new chapter, claiming that we have learnt similar/congruent triangles before and continue chionging his way through. Walao!
1) Maths teacher threaten to let us off late for recess if we are talking.
2) After recess Mr Rafi threaten to not start the lesson if our class is noisy/ some people changing seats.
3) Chem teacher threaten to let us wait outside of chem lab if we are noisy.

1) Don't go recess don't go lah, big deal.
2) Don't teach don't teach lah, big deal. Ownself study lah! (Also not the 1st time starting a new chapter by myself and spend 3 hours investigating on 1 sentence)
3) Don't go in lor, I also not interested in practicals.
4) Don't go home lor, big deal, what's more I have debates after that.

U all cannot control the class can't blame on us ma. Like you see, a good example would be Mr Freddy Goh. Though I don't like him la, cause he always only aim me for hair check, but at least when he teach us geog, both 405 and 406 don't even dare to utter a word, except giving answers to him. Then u see XXX (I cannot say which cher la, if you want guess, just take it as all my teachers, Maths/Chem/Phy/WHATEVER), teach until whole class talk then threaten us with conditions..

Spoil my mood sia. _l_

cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 6:35 PM

Yours truly.

Helloh! :D
my name is Melvin
currently 15years old.
in Deyi Secondary School
This blog is made on 17/05/2008.
You can add me at meowvin93@hotmail.com

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