Sunday, November 28, 2010
Today, I went mugging with Xueli. Actually got nothing much to say about this part lah, it's the part after that that is more interesting.
So Xueli was apparently DUPED by a shop selling icecream (or was it yoghurt, K fine in this blogpost, it will be icecream) lolol. The story goes like this:
One day, Xueli went into an icecream shop. She was delighted to see all sorts of flavours in the shops, like chocolate, blueberry, banana, etc. Being a cheapskate, she decided to ask for sample.
The seller is very smart, she gave Xueli 3 larger-than-usual-sample-size cup, each filling a flavour. Xueli is very happy because she get to eat all of them for free. :D After tasting all 6 flavours, she decided to buy one of them. She took a normal-sized cup, turn the switch, and happily let the icecream flow into her cup.
Just then, Melvin-the-smartass saw this sign: '$3.00/100g'. Melvin thought,'OMG, this is so expensive! Must warn Xueli!' However, seeing that Xueli only squeezed the icecream to fill half the cup, Melvin was relieved, knowing that she knows what she is doing. She then went to the counter to make payment, while leaving her bag with Melvin.
In split seconds, Xueli somehow teleported to where Melvin is sitting.
"Can you lend me $1.50? I don't have enough money to pay for the icecream!! LOL!" Xueli said.
"WTF? AND YOU JUST BUY IT WITHOUT CHECKING THE PRICE?!" was Melvin reply. Melvin then reluctantly passed Xueli COINS (as he is a poor cheapo) to make up that amount.
So Melvin and Xueli walked out of the shop, thinking about how scheming the shop was.
"They very bad one lor, never TARE the weighing scale, then measure the cup weight also!" Melvin said, being a science student doing SPA, he used the word "TARE". :P
Xueli replied, "Ya lor ya lor!! Then hor, the cup give until so big, want to dupe us press 200g 300g only! The sales assistant also very jian4 one lor! Give sample until so big macam very cheap like that, want to dupe me to pay more only! Xueli is so stupid, she got duped again. :("
I can only say, Xueli is very lucky because she didn't spam the icecream happily. MUAHAHAHA.
K anyway, after that I went arcade. Saw Jiaqing. We played PIU lor.
I passed
Sorceress Elise Double Performance Level ??
Pump It Up Double Performance Level ??
Epik High --- Fly Crazy Level 14
Yay! All thanks to JQ. Omg, Double Performance is so fun can? :D:D:D
Kk that's all for the update.
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:51 PM
Saturday, November 27, 2010
K I have no idea how to start this blogpost, so I shall just anyhow start. They MIGHT NOT be in chronological order. :D
Erm, so yesterday the NE Exco met Some People :P (LOL when I put this on FB, Renfred was like typing 'HAHAHA I know who it is, Sanitary Pad right? :D')
Omg, first time 领教到 her poweress. Usually she doesn't seem very fierce or something to me lah, just that everyone doesn't like her. I initially find her ok, cause I think that she's quite reasonable and stuff (erm, that is when she speak to the whole school) :P
Wah the moment she stepped into the room in the library, that aura can be felt LOL!
"I don't like this kind of arrangement of seating, it looks like a confrontation, and you all look like waiting to be executed."
Yeah, she totally said what I felt in the last 4 words. Wah this meeting very stressful --- I was taking note of my attire, collar pin, shoes, fringes, EVERYTHING, than the meeting. LOL I don't want to get killed! Almost everyone kena shooted by her for different reasons :D
Brian -- Flu, she scared kena virus then cannot do reports :D
Tri -- Apparently never shave his beard or something
Amanda -- Kena scolded for talking back
Nanzheng -- Kena scolded for looking down
Baoyi -- Kena scolded for not attending meeting with Geraldine
Geraldine -- Kena scolded for not being an effective leader or something like that
Wah, I must have been so bored in the meeting to remember everyone's seating arrangement and what they are being scolded for. LUCKILY HOR, I DIDN'T KENA SHOOT :D
K lah, Jiayi and Jane also never kena scolded lah, but I feel so happy can? It's like an achievement to not get aimed, cause even Mr James Han and Ms Lim also got shot. Hahahaha!
'I am not trying to be a fussy bitch but (etcetc)' LOL!
After the strenuous meeting, I 飘-ed to Chinese Dance. Wah the moment I step in, just nice my dance part. I machiam some VIP walk in start dancing like that lolol. Okok lah, this is so much better, knowing that no one will aim me for anything. :D
Then after Chinese Dance, I got NTU H3 Maths notes from Yida, who got it from his senior :D Today I mugged the first chapter, wah actually not very difficult and all but.......
Proof by Mathematical Induction
Proof by Contradiction
Direct Proof
Elementary Proof
Nonconstructive Proof
Erm, ya lor, like that lor.
Wah this one is epic, it shows a passage in chinese with an added twist --- every word is pronounced 'shi' but in different sounds.
Can you imagine someone talking to you in this way? 'shi shi shi shi shi ..... shi shi shi?' WAH OMG THEN THEY TELL YOU THAT IT ACTUALLY MEAN SOMETHING LOL!
Yay, 华文的奥妙, Chinese FTW! :P
Tonight, I went AMK ZoneX after mugging that Proving shit, and O.O I met Shao Beng, quite coincidental cause I never really saw him in arcade before. K FINE maybe because I seldom go. :D
Then go home that time I saw Zhi Ming. WAH TODAY MACHIAM SOME 406 DAY LIKE THAT, fancy meeting 2 406 people at night in less than an hour.
K lah I played one round of Pump only, no $$ to spam :(
Now I am seeing the chart for the song Sorceress Elise Double Performance, wah can die one. The transition at some part is ooolala~. Hard.
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:55 PM
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Yo, I guess it's been DAMN LONG since I ever blogged.
NAH! I KNOW it's been DAMN LONG since I ever blogged, so here's a DAMN LONG entry that probably no one would see.
So in this year, I learnt that I have been very superficial in secondary school. It's like, in secondary school, when I hate CCA, I'll ponten, when I don't feel like going to school, I'll ponten. Now, if I do that, I'm so going to get chased by SP [OOPS NOT YOU, SHI PING SHIFU :P] in NE Council and Yida they all in Chinese Dance.
HAHA Everytime people ask me what CCA, I will be thinking like 'Aiyo, tell you I from NE you also dunno wth is that.'
My reply, 'Chinese dance lor.'
"CHINESE DANCE?!?!?!?!?!"
'Yea, what's wrong?!?!'
"I thought you hated dance in secondary school? What's more, CHINESE dance, shouldn't you join Western dance or learn hiphop or stuff?"
Screw everyone who thinks that way. K I must admit that I hatED (past tense) dance in secondary school, NOT BECAUSE I hate dancing, but because I hate eggs (yes, pun intended). So yep, now no eggs, so I like dance and join chinese dance lor. AND WHY DOES EVERYONE STEREOTYPE CHINESE DANCE TO BE SOME SISSY DANCE CLUB? If it's not about this, it would be chinese dance = 'ching dong chiang'. It's totally untrue can. Since Sec1, I always find that Chinese Dance is way cooler than Contemporary Dance can? I just don't appreciate the fact that contemporary dance is like 看不懂就叫艺术 de feeling. What's more, just seeing both dance at one go, I would be glued to chinese dance cause of all the climaxes and 高难度 stuff. Lastly, isn't Contemporary dance more 'gay' if you were to compare them? Learning Jazz and stuffs doesn't sound very manly to me. Instead, terms like 暗掌 sounds so much cooler. Oh, and the music is nicer. Don't believe me? Go youtube 'gu yun hong chen' and see the dance and listen to the music. Then you randomly youtube a random modern dance SYF music. K lah, maybe it's just me, whatever.
About academics, omg the atmosphere is so different from Deyi. In the past right, I can don't mug and still topped Maths and Science (hee, hao lian hao lian :D). Wah now hor, MUG ALREADY STILL BARELY HANGING THAT KIND. K, I don't mean barely hanging as in just pass lah, I meant barely scrapped through the worst marks I wanted to get (like for Maths, getting 70 is a nightmare, and I got 71. FML).
Where did the smartass Melvin go? =.=
Oh and I still remember right, in the past, 406 is totally so not competitive, unlike my current class. Every time people would talk about how mugger I am upon seeing me studying. YEA RIGHT, SCREW YOU IN THE FACE. I only mug in school one ok?! It's a habit I have since Deyi, where I would lose all motivation to complete homeworkS at home, so everything must be done in school. No one knows how much you mug at home can? Fake people, at least I am open. Ahh, probably due to this, I don't like my class. I wonder if I am anti-social in class because I am always one, or I just dislike my class, I guess it's the former. Why am I so anti-social now? :(
Oh, and about competition.
(1) A girl (You know who you are)
I seriously hate how a friendship have turned into such a rivalry ever since we went into different JC (or I would say, different secondary school). What's so fun to compete about? Ok, granted you got triple science while I took combined science, I am happy for you. Granted you got 2A in midyear while I got only 1 in JC, I am happy for you. BUT DO YOU HAVE TO GRIN SO WIDELY WHEN YOU HEARD ALL THE THINGS THAT I LOST TO YOU? K lah, you win lah, go celebrate with confetti, whatever. I felt so disgusted everyone you talked to me, be it online or RL.
Online - Exchange notes lah, teach you maths lah (etc.)
RL - 'Retain how ah?' 'How many A's? :D' And when you know you just got screwed in exam, you tried to shun away from me. What kind of 'friend' is this sia.
Today, you told me about you also getting into NTU H3 Maths. The first thing that comes to my mind --- 'omg, like that also want to haolian to me.' K lah fine, I hl-ed about it on msn cause I felt delighted and unexpected that I got in, but that's not the point. You just want to compete with me even more. HELLO, YOU ARE COMING TO MY SCHOOL TO TAKE THIS H3, MY JC. COMPETE SMLJ? Gr...
(2) PIU :D
HAHAHAHAHA I can't believe it. I've abstained from arcade games like DDR, PIU, DM, GF, IIDX for so long, while playing only PnM, AND NOW I'M HOOKED UP AGAIN!
How did this ever started? Hmm... OHH! Crystal -- Korin's sister. She lah, sabo me only, pull me go play PIU once, then I got hooked up again. Grr..
K that is just the contributing factor. Recently, there is this PIU Pro2 competition held in Timezone and I attended one of them in Sengkang to support my new friend -- Jiaqing (Nah I didn't play cause I was too dumb, I thought I need to pay for registration fee and the credits. In the end, I realised that registration fee is only a deposit and the credits are FREE. FML.) Omg, I see people like Edeson and Justin and they are all so pro, one pro in 节奏感 and the other pro in skills. After seeing those people playing, I felt so psyched up to play again can?
The result? I spent so much more money this week than the usual.
AHHH Melvin, you only have $100 every week. This makes up to about $14.29 (2d.p.)[MUAHAHAHA!! MATHS FTW! :D] every day, 说多不多,说少不少. You can afford to PnM as it's only $0.50 per round, BUT YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PLAY PIU THAT COSTS $1.60 PER ROUND! MUST...... CONTROL......... MY........ EXPENDITURE.............
K I shall end here. :P
EDIT : I really shouldn't just blog about the bad things after MIA-ing for so long. I try to think of something good the next time I blog. :P
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:11 PM