Friday, December 31, 2010
Wah so long never post, actually not my fault ok!
My computer died due to kena virus, and now all my files are automatically deleted. Yay.
This month has been a hell suey month.
Comp spoil, spent $50 on service charge, $190 on Windows 7, $89 on 2GB RAM.
Key lost, made 3 keys, $1 + $1 + $10, and I made two sets.
Watch automatically reseted itself, and now it is at June 1 8:43PM.
Homeworks who are supposed to be done, I don't know how to do. Those that answers are supposed to be put up on KM, are not put up, and I don't know how to do.
Wang laoshi, my awesome dance teacher whom I knew since Sec1, is leaving NJCD to go Taiwan to dance.
But luckily throughout this month, there is NJCD who stand by me lah. Train train train, train until time passes quite fast. Days without computer isn't as bad, at least I'm kept busy with other things.
I hope next year will be more shun, cause I almost fa feng in this month due to my computer, well at least now it's settled.
- Survive 'A' Levels with flying colours, rank points > 87.5 tyty.
- Get Dist for NTU H3 Maths
- Get Bronze or above for Singapore Mathematics Olympiad
- Do 7 pull-ups continuously, and get 220cm for SBJ.
- Survive SYF Chinese Dance, and be on stage for more than 2minutes.
- Being able to do sideflip and continuous fan shen. :D
- Survive SP in NE Council
- Ensure that CNY events (CNY Dance, and CNY Skit) runs smoothly
- To do my best for NE Events, which includes Racial Harmony Day, CNY, Total Defence Day and others.
- Being able to play level 18 for Pump Fiesta, or level 13 for Pump Pro2 (Moonlight woohoo!!)
- Reduce my weight to 60kg or lesser.
- To do everything to the best of my ability.
Yay I'm done with it!
K I hope 2011 will be a better year for us. I know that for me, 2011 will be a challenging year, juggling 2 CCAs and taking one H3.
Must not fa feng! :D
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:29 PM
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I told myself that I die die must squeeze out something to blog about, so here it is!
Wah, yesterday although I slept at 2am, I actually 'ironed my bedsheet' (i.e. toss and flip around) for the next 1-2 hours before I finally slept omg. I feel so proud of myself, wheeeeee! That's like quite early for me lor. The day before that I slept at 6am.
Eh as a sidetrack, every weekday 4-6am there is Holland V to watch. NICE :D
So I woke up early today at 9am to meet the NE exco and ex-exco (lol ex-exco sounds funny :P) Walao, meet until so far can? It's like at Jurong. Upon reaching, we checked where everyone lives, then we realised that we have people who live in Yew Tee, Woodlands, AMK, TPY, Bishan, BUT NO ONE LIVES NEAR JURONG LOL! Not 'trying to be a fussy bitch' (HAHAHAHA) but, isn't it better to meet at Woodlands or something, at least everyone lives near there.
Ahhhhh, I missed the shopping mall there lor. During secondary school, I will go there every 6 months to ice skate, then maybe go play pump, parapara, DDR at the arcade after that. Memories ---- something that reminds me that I am aging. Even recently, while dancing, I can sprain my waist lor wtf.
K lah, we didn't go there lah, we went IMM's Swensens. Haha, as a precaution of overspending, I actually ate 2 lor mai gai before I even go Jurong, so I wont order that much. Swensens leh! EXPENSIVE LEH! Even playing PIU is cheaper than that. If I order that much sure po chan one loh!
The meeting there was quite, interesting I would say. :D We learnt a lot of soft skills (dealing with SP especially).
- Must not talk back at SP.
- Treat meeting like a debate session, must argue your way through for things to work.
- Must be daring enough to see SP as a pair instead of the whole exco going together. :P
Ok lah, after that, originally meeting Xueli to mug one. THEN WALAO, everytime like that one, say nice nice already then suddenly, 'Eh, I think I cannot go already, got XXXXX to do. Ps. Bye.' Grr. Then I went home to sleep.
Tonight, I felt so bored and hungry, that I decided to walk to KFC to eat. Wah, the walking time from AMK Ave 10 to AMK Central KFC is shorter than the time queuing up lor! Oh, in case you are wondering why did I go KFC instead of Macs or something, KFC HAS THIS FARKING NICE BLACK PEPPER CHICKEN that is quite CHEAP and TASTY. OMG IM SO IN LOVE WITH IT that I am getting fatter cause of it. :( Melvin ah Melvin, you do know that you are so FAT in P4, P5, P6 and S1, and when you finally joined MnD, you finally slimmed down a bit (or rather, you grown taller, so you looked slimmer). Eat summore, EAT SUMMORE only, fat die you ah! Wah, now I really have to PIU/DDR to lose weight already, but this is such an expensive alternative lor, but what other choice do I have?
I don't like running because it's boring, and I have no incentive/stamina to run.
I don't like to go to the gym because I can't balance on the treadmill somehow, or I would step on my own shoelace and have to stop it to tie them.
I don't like to swim because it is so darned far from me. But hey, this sounds quite nice, I should consider it soon :D
I like dancing, but I don't like to do it by myself cause it looks like I am an idiot or something.
SEE! I'm back to arcade. Dancing with others, as well as 'running'.
K I am done crapping for the night. BYE!
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 10:42 PM