Thursday, January 20, 2011
Walao, yesterday go CCA, then do 100 push up, go home wobbly dao yao si.
Today I thought I would be slacking all the way, then got PE, now suan dao yao si =.=
Today was actually my lucky day lol.
I was late for school.
Contradicting? Sarcasm? Hear me out! :D
HAHAHA So anyway, I was so dumb, waiting for bus 74, then I saw that I need to wait for 11mins. SURE LATE ONE LOH! Then I gambled as usual, took bus 88, then change bus 852. But well! 130 came along, then I was like 'ok, can take till McRitchie (duno how spell :P) there, SHANG BAH!' OMG Worst mistake ever, it brought me into Sin Ming Road.
LUCKILY I SMART AH! I got down immediately, and got back to the bus-stop with 852/74. Then walaoeh, bus 74 came. :@
Had I known earlier that I'm so dumb I shall just wait for that dumb 74 lor!
Yeah, seeing that I have no hope of being on time, I got down one stop before NJ, then I walk SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR slow into the school, security guard talking to others then never ask me write name. Then Mr Bek suddenly SMS me, saying that he never see me in parade square. I replied "PS was in the toilet just now, stomachache"! XD! YAY SO TECHNICALLY I AM NOT LATE.
Cannot late liao lor, in 9 days I late twice, this is 3rd time, if kena I have to go for CWO already =.= K lah, though I feel bad for lying to him lah, cause can tell he trust me, but I don't want to do CWO so early lor! Want CWO also want wait until April or something! :@
Lalalalala~ That's the end of my epic adventure in the morning! :D
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 8:19 PM
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Yay! I broke my own record in 2.4km run! :D
I got 11:23! K I know I suck, but hello?! I improved by 37s! LalalaWheee!
I guess chionging Pump and NJCD does help in improving stamina. :D
Ahh, talking about NJCD, omg the SYF steps is getting cheemer, and my blurness came back already T_T
I wonder ah, how come my timing always different from YiDa and YiJie one, like I keep feeling that I am at the right timing, while they happened to be doing steps at the wrong timing together! K fine, most likely my prob. But....
Ahhh shall play pump more to be better at beats. SOMEONE JIO ME OUT IN WEEKENDS FOR PUMP PLOX!
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 11:52 PM
What a bad day to start, late for school due to traffic jam.
On Saturday Evelyn punished the whole CCA cause I am late. Wah I feel so damn bad about that lor. Sorry guys, like seriously, I'll make it up to you all next time (by buying food for you all or something). =.=
How come I still can't get this habit of waking up on time? It's like, alarm clock doesn't work on me or something. Sometimes when I am too tired I can't even hear the sound.
Actually today I don't feel guilty lah, cause I woke up at 6:15 indeed. If is usual scenario I would reach school by 7 already.
Neh that dumb GP assignment lor! This morning wake up surf one last article, then cannot copy paste, so I must type word by word, then I left house at 6:50pm. Walao!
This is a suey month, keeping banging into obstacles de lor. Like NE Skit, cannot get the actors in such a short time, how? My econs assignment, don't even know how to calculate real GDP per capita, how? H3 maths, first lecture is super easy, but I have already mugged next 2 lectures' already, and they are hell tough, should I drop it? How?! =.=!
The only good thing that happened this month is probably.... erm.... I can't really think of anything :(
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:35 PM
I keep getting this feeling that I cheng shi bu zhu, bai shi you yu.
Guess I should make academics my first priority now.
How did I forget this lesson? Don't make a CCA important to you, because you are not important to a CCA.
How did I forget that when you don't feel like doing something in a CCA, that CCA will coax you into doing it. When you finally feel like doing it, they would start scolding you for all sorts of reasons, until you don't feel like doing it anymore. The cycle will always repeat.
How did I forget that CCA stops being meaningful to me, when tension arises?
Another 3 months, April 21. I shall guai1 guai1 de tahan until that time, then probably I am useless to the CCA already. But I think before that I am already too fed up trying to catch the beat of the song, which has no beats.
Patience...... Something that I don't have.
Nei han...... Something that I don't even have to talk about.
Level-headed...... Something that I don't have.
Possible to achieve all 3 in these 3 months? After being in MnD for the first 2 years, I didn't even achieve any one of these. What have I been doing?
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:46 PM
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Don't know how to start this blog post, so I shall start from Wednesday.
"You don't have insomnia. You just have a fucked up sleeping pattern." OMG when I first saw this line on facebook, I was thinking 'That's so me!!! xD'. Anyway, was 'ironing the bedsheet' that night, and decided that I shall not sleep instead.
Morning take bus to go for training. At my stop when I was about to get down, I saw Angeline on the same bus! Then we go into SR1 together, and Evelyn was talking about how she met Yijie on the bus too! LOL! :D
Wah, without sleep, my flexibility suddenly improved a lot! :D
After training, we go paint banner. Actually I didn't lift a finger to help lah, kinda feel bad. But then again, I'm doing them a justice too. How can this useless guy help when it is painting?! Hello, this guy got like 47/100 in his beloved Art in sec2. K lah anyway, after that I pangseh them to go for NE meeting.
NE meeting was quite good, everything went smoothly. We changed the NE board and discussed who to do what next year. Haha, I am in charge of Chinese New Year skit and NE Odyssey (Neh, a nicer term for CCA outing). Omg can, I am so going to die on CNY. Can't imagine how I am going to act a bit for CNY Skit, then wear costume immediately for CNY dance. The other way round sounds even worse, I might have to wear costume to act for CNY skit. =.= AHH Whatever lah! :P
Reached home at about 5? Then set alarm clock to wake up at 9pm, feeling super tired and all cause of not sleeping, and NE + NJCD sucked up all my energy.
WAH PIANG EH! I woke up AUTOMATICALLY at 7.30pm. :((((
Everytime like that one sia, the more tired I am, the lesser time I'll sleep. Screw my sleeping pattern lor!
After watching Breakout at 10pm, IT'S PARTY TIME! :D
HAHAHA Met Yida, Xixi, Angeline, Liu Tong at Bishan Circle Line, then WE ALL WENT TO AIRPORT TO CAMP OVERNIGHT THERE! WOOHOO! :D
In airport, Linh joined us. Then we all mug together. Haha, we are MADMAN, we Mug All Day, Mug All Night. Lol.
K lah, obviously you know that this useless guy is not very smart, so he keep asking Yida how to do his Physics TYS. And he gave up in the end to play poker cards with him instead. Lol!
We played many weird stuff lor! Like asshole daidi, indian poker, gong zhu. DAMN EPIC LOR, ALL THE GAMES SO FUNNY ONE, WE ALL LAUGHED LIKE MAD IN BURGER KING THERE :P
The moment finally arrived.....
It's time for Wang laoshi to prepare to fly to Taiwan. Su laoshi and about 2 more people (presumely their friends) were there too. We went for breakfast together.
Wah! We felt so duped lor. While we were eating Wang laoshi suddenly say, "I have to board the plane already, you all slowly eat ah." That was our last sight of him.
OMG CAN, you know in our minds, this wasn't how it turned out.
This should be how it turned out instead:
Wang laoshi came to airport. We finally met him. We ate our last breakfast together, then send him to the departure hall. At there, we take our last memories with him by taking a few photos. Then we sadly waved goodbye while he walked into the departure hall.
BUT, NONE OF THAT HAPPENED! LOL! Ok lah, we just took it as an NJCD outing and possibly a chance to complete homeworks. After this event, I know I really like NJCD. How many CCA can actually be so random, everyone coming out at night to mug together. AIRPORT SOMEMORE LEH! We all don't even live near there. Got people live in boarding school, AMK, Bishan and Choa Chu Kang, but we still managed to meet up. :D
I came back feeling super tired. But surprisingly in the airport, I was totally awake lor. I think that 2 hours sleep at home is like a concentrated super-power nap, cause people who slept longer than me felt grouchy there.
When coming back, at the Circle Line, I experienced being giap-ped by the MRT door due to being too tired and walking into the train without realising the door is closing. Wah the orh cheh still there. =.=
On Thursday, (aka yesterday, cause it's over 12am already =.= I hate this.) I woke up at 5pm. Then I suddenly feel the urge to go for a swim. I just went to Bishan Swimming Complex lor. Then cause this useless guy can't swim mah, so he wants to swim in the not-so-deep (i.e. 0.90m) pool. Then CLOSED sia :(
K nvm, he went into the large pool. Then the lifeguard chase him away, asking him to get away from the first 2 lanes. WTF IS THIS LOR! =.=
So he swam about 3 laps, go toilet pee (ya I know I should've just peed into the pool =.=) then come out. Wah, the water suddenly became much colder. Then I just left the place lol.
I walked to AMK central. On the way, I saw Junji and Weiquan, then just walk with them lor. Blahblahblah, then I go play pump for 1 round. Go home watch TV, slept for 2 hours, and here I am, blogging.
Is this another super-concentrated power nap? If yes, I want to do GP until morning 6am then go for training.
Screwed up sleeping pattern. Haiz.......
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 9:02 PM
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Wah went to bed like 45 minutes ago, never sleep, so I came here instead. Jidan sia, want to sleep but cannot sleep, go die lah! :@
This type of godly hour, if got arcade + transportation I sure go play de lor! :P No need Pump/DDR, got drummania or PnM i also happy :D
Now hungry like fk, but only got wafer in front of me, can't even fill stomach. I think I going to mac later. Wahlao, all the situps on Monday went to waste. :X
K knowing that my grammar gets worse by the paragraphs, I better stop typing or you all will not be able to take it anymore. Bye! :D
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 3:05 AM
Walao, you useless guy, you can't even run properly on stage. :@
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 7:24 PM
Ahhh, so darned bored, so here I am.
Walao, every time during one-month Holidays (i.e. June and Dec), I will find it so damn long, and wished that school starts faster.
NOT ANYMORE LOR! Now I totally wished that I have another 2-4 more weeks. :(
Usually, these are what I do during holidays.
- Never complete homework, but got mug.
- Arcade (obvious)
- Pool
- Swimming (the tradition is, must go to Jurong there swim once every 6 months)
- Ice Skating
- Random window shopping with random friends (like randomly find one place and walk around there)
- Spam computer
This holiday?
- Never complete homework, NEVER mug.
- Ahhh yes, arcade.
- Never pool
- Never swim
- Never ice skate
- Got go orchard with KJ they all, and some hangouts with the clique.
- Went for about 7 Chinese Dance practises so far.
- Never spam computer, cuz it kena virus for 2-3 weeks.
WTF lah, I actually done so little this month, wth have I been doing.
Ahhh, this Melvin hor, super lazy one =.= GP homework also can think of buanging. HELLO, you got D for GP still dare to buang, and the homework quite practical what, not like some stupid newspaper cutting, never learn anything from it one. This one is DO NOTES leh, YOUR FAVOURITE! Must..... do..... GP.........
Oh talking about GP, I think I'm going to have GP tuition in 2011. Like finally right? You all have definitely heard of how much I hate tuition centres, like cheating money only. Neh some people, never tuition = not so stupid. Tuition = even more stupid. Aiya, but no choice lah, my GP is as buang as...... to the extent where if my GP sucked even more, it gets better (means low ttm lah). :(
Anyways, for this remaining 7 days, I must try to make full use of it! So maybe I shall make a plan here :D
- Play pool!
- Go swim!
- Complete my homework, and if possible, MUGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
- Use more computer, blog more!
- Register for GP tuition!
- Master my front flip! (no, not the air one.)
Yeah, I think that's it for the plan.
K change topic, lalalalalala.
I hate the people going to the arcade at AMKHub. A lot of them like grow up from eating glass one lor. I see pros playing basketball halfway, BLOCKED. Then I turned to look at the Pump machine seeing people playing Starian (usually :P), BLOCKED. Damn pissed off lor. Then usually I don't like to invite trouble, so I will just shift the seat or stand up. Wah nice, they move with me, BLOCKED. JUST FUCK OFF CAN?! So lihai block others go be a goalkeeper lah!
K this is starting to sound like I am PMSing so I shall leave it at that. Must think positive! Your beloved school is starting in 7 days time, woohoo!! You shall be guai1 and go to sleep now so you won't screw up your bio-clock, woohoo!!
Ya right.
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 11:26 PM