Sunday, September 18, 2011
Did I say that I bloody hell dislike my class since Sept 2010?
Heck, the more I think of it, the more sian I am. Luckily it's my last 1 month seeing them. Maybe what I heard of these few days is true.
"Have you ever realised that for people like us who always hang out outside school, we tend to hate our classmates in school?"
Now that I think of it, it's actually quite true. Think of 406, I don't really hang out that much, and most of my time was spent in school. (WILLINGLY, unlike now, FML.) At that time I actually like my classmates and all. Now, after I started to go out more often, I gradually found my class more idiotic by the months.
Who would actually chiong to the front of the class just to go and snatch new notes?
Who would actually laugh at their friends who scored lower in a test/exam?
Who would actually rudely scold others to shut up, simply because that person was talking about non-academic stuff in lecture?
My class at some point of time did all these.
Yeah, call me anti-social, guai lan, and being superficial as not all classmates are that bad. I don't deny that I am over-generalising my class as a whole, and that there are actually nice classmates too! (Like Vivien, who listen to my PW presentation for at least 50 times just to improve my confidence.) Still, what I see in my class is the selfishness of not sharing the knowledge with peers who are academically weaker. "Just refer to the notes. It's that simple!" *Continue scrambling about doing tutorial X* Yeah, if it's THAT simple I'd have become a top student in Singapore anytime.
Win liao lor. I think my extremism acts in class is being recognised after some months, when teachers start to ask me about my relationship with my classmates. The most bimbo one being 'Melvin, you got no friends in class ah? Ask you group with people you never group? EH CLASS, SOMEONE GROUP WITH HIM LEH!'. THANKS AH TEACHER S, you just confirmed how much I hate my class during your lesson, with the whole class. You are the best. _l_
Anyway, I am totally waiting for 'A' Levels study break to come soon, so that I don't have to face them anymore, FOR LIFE! (Ok maybe we might see each other in exam, but its not like I will have any form of communication with them anyway.) Graduation night? Sorry, I rather spend my life nua-ing at home than to waste it on my class. Yeah, 10SH14 people, I don't really care if you ever come across this blog and read this post. That is something I wanted to say but didn't since a year ago. If can hor, help me spread the message hor, THANKS!
-- End of rant.
*/random I need to think of ideas of what to do for Abbie in our first month anniversary tomorrow. Must.... google.........*
♥cause tonight will be th night that i will fall for you(:

written in ink,
last posted ; 3:47 AM